[ Pine Wolf ]

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A/N: What's this? An update?? A oneshot that I said I was going to post multiple years ago?? (Yikes. I don't know how time goes by so quickly! Sorry, guys!)

Credit for helping come up with these shenanigans goes to ThiaHolimon, ontheupsidedown, and BrightnessWings19! This started in Thia's Gravity Rises Q&A book, where I offhandedly mentioned that it would be fun to see Mabel and Gideon rescue a kitten together. The idea snowballed from there. XD

Be prepared! I completely overwrote this—which kind of made me lose inspiration when I was at about 10k and only 2/3 of the way through—but I've since decided that if I'm going to totally overwrite this, I might as well overwrite it decently! (That said, this is a terrible Frankenstein of a oneshot where I stitched together scenes I wrote two years ago, one year ago, and this year. Bonus points if you can guess which scenes were written when!) I probably -could- split it up since it's this long, but it's really not a chapter fic. I've been having some pretty bad technical issues with my Wattpad drafts, so hopefully this is all here. Please let me know if there are any sentences or paragraphs that look like they're missing!

Most of this was written way back before/right around when Northwest Mansion Showdown was posted, so some things might not line up exactly with how they really went down after that. This was back when we all couldn't wait for the "you're the worst" line, and when Gideon's brain was a character we were all rooting for. It was pretty hilarious. Fun times! XD

Dedicated to the amazingly wonderful ephemeralemerald27 — and to the memory of CJ and Macy.

(And also my own cat, who died in my arms a few months ago. Some of Pine Wolf's misadventures were inspired by his crazy antics. I miss you, buddy! Home isn't nearly as fun without you.)

Of course, none of this would be possible at all without a certain someone taking the time to write a spectacular three-season fic for the best AU ever! Chances are, I would never have even heard about Gravity Rises if she hadn't written her wonderful series about it, nor would I have met some of the nicest, most amazing people in the Gravity Falls fandom. A BIG thank you to BrightnessWings19! I can't thank you enough for drawing the GR fandom together! 💕


* * *

It was cold, even for January.

The skies above were blanketed in several uneven layers of grey, the hidden sun making the clouds almost too bright to look at. A quiet dusting of swirling flakes came down around them, filtering through the pines and slowly piling up on the old country road. A chilly breeze struck Mabel, seeming to pass right through her coat—so she zipped up the front further and pulled her hood closer around her neck.

Gideon Northwest, of all people, walked beside her as they trudged through the snow on the old cobblestone path.

It was something she never thought she'd allow, much less enjoy, but, well... here they were.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2020 ⏰

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