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Nine o'clock rolled around and not long after the party was in full swing. Farren had been alone with Kaden for the full day and was now glad of some other company. There was only so much time you could spend with a sarcastic asshole without losing your mind. Especially if said sarcastic asshole made you feel certain things you shouldn't be feeling

His eyes scanned the room, taking in the atmosphere of the party. He was currently leaning against the wall in the kitchen, a beer in hand, talking to Jesse and Luke. They could hear the loud music belting from the sitting room through the doorway, where Farren knew that if he looked, he would find loads of sweaty drunk teenagers grinding mindlessly on one another.

The party seemed to be taking place mainly in the sitting room, the kitchen and the back yard. Thank god Kaden didn't have nearby neighbors because if he did, there would surely be noise complaints made.

Farren, Jesse and Luke decided to make their way out the back, where they could hopefully have a conversation without needing to shout over the booming music.

He glanced around the backyard, taking it all in, and as he did so he couldn't help but focus on the pool, the last glimmers of light from the setting sun shimmering in the clear water. This scene was all too familiar, and he felt his heartbeat quicken as he thought back to that night with Kaden.

He turned back to face the other two boys, throwing those thoughts back to the back of his mind, hopefully forever.

Jesse and Luke, who were both slightly tipsy but not drunk yet, were both deeply immersed in some debate they were having. Luke, upon seeing that Farren's attention had focused back on them, turned to face him, running a hand through his short hair frustratedly.

"What do you think Farren? Who's better, Spider-Man or Batman?"

"Spider-Man. Obviously Spider-Man." Farren replied without hesitation, deciding to humour the two slightly tipsy boys before him.

"Hah!" Said Luke, turning to face Jesse with a smug smile. "What did I tell you. Everyone's prefers Spider-Man, that's just the way it is."

Jesse rolled is eyes in response. "Whatever Luke, your opinions don't mean shit anyway."

"Hey," protested Luke, while Farren just laughed at the two of them. Honestly, they were like five year olds.

He could feel eyes burning into his back and when he turned around he realised it was Julianna. She sent him a playful smirk and he knew what that meant. They hadn't hooked up in almost a week and she wanted it just as bad as him.

He winked back at her playfully, before excusing himself from Luke and Jesse's little debate and motioning his head towards the kitchen door.

She understood what he meant and left her friends, following him to the kitchen. Once inside he turned to greet her with a grin.

"Hey Julianna."

"Farren," she winked in reply, handing him a beer.

Julianna was hot. There was no denying that. She was African-American, with light brown skin, black hair, and a killer body from running track and playing volleyball.

But for some reason, today she just didn't seem as appealing as usual. It wasn't that she looked any different, it was just Farren didn't feel the need to jump her bones as much as usual.

Whatever, he was probably just tired.

"So how are you finding the party?" She smiled at him.

"Oh you know, same old," he smiled back. "Always room for improvement," he added with a wink.

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