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GOOD God—why does pain sting harder than a bee?

I can't believe it. This suffering of mine keeps getting worse and worse the minute I wake up from the minute I close my eyes to a peaceful, unbothered sleep. Hannah and Beth can't be forgotten. I can't believe how Josh feels. Josh...

Emily leads me out of a trance because calls up to me, "Ess! Come on! We'll be late for the bus!"

My mouth opens, and I let out a breath of oxygen. I sigh as I grab my galaxy backpack, skipping down the stairs to meet my sister who proudly finishes adjusting her clothes in her luggage bag. Her pink luggage bag.

I followed Emily outside of our home, walking only a few minutes to the bus stop. Like last year, it was a snowy afternoon, and we wouldn't be getting to the lodge until around dinner time. The sun would be set then, and we would all by consumed by its darkness.

My sister tapped her foot as we waited for the bus to arrive, and to pass time, she was calling Matt. Matt is in, Mike is out. Definitely after finding out that Mikey boy cheated on Em for Jess. My older sister is boy crazy dependent, and now, it's a bit annoying. I'm sure she banged Mike, and now she's asking for it with Matt; one of my best friends.

I shivered at the thought of them getting it on. I hope they don't, because Matt, in my opinion, deserves someone better than my sister.

I hate to say it, but it needs to be released from my thoughts. It's been on my mind lately, and the topic hasn't sprung out of the side of my head. Matt is too much of a people pleaser to fall for a girl like Emily because everything she says, he'll do. He's a replacement for me.

The only reason I liked Mike and Em together was because they both were persuasive and honestly, kinda jerky. They were cute being arrogant together, but now that Jess and Mike are going to be up at the lodge this year, I'm afraid my sister is going to bury them alive.

She probably will... She's that kinda girl.

To Emily, the bus wait seemed to be an eternity. She had just gotten off the phone with Matt about eight minutes ago, and said that he would be there in five minutes, since he lived nearby the station like we did. Right as the bus pulled up, I saw Matt and his infamous letterman jacket sneak into my view.

"Hey, Matty!" I smile.

We both embraced, and he leads to pecking my sister with a kiss by the lips. Not on them, thank God. He offered to take Emily's luggage, and gestured us to get on the bus first.

He grinned, his white teeth shining,
"Ladies first."

Emily kissed his hand, "What a gentleman you are," She walked onto the bus and turned around at the smoothness of his voice.

Matt bowed to her, "It is my pleasure, my lady."

He then stepped on the bus, and followed Emily to a seat or two by the front. To contrast, I was in the back. Since I was basically looking at the couple, since they were many rows in front of me, I watched Matt as he wrapped an arm around Emily. He pulled her close... Just like Mike did.

The only advantage that I'm getting out of my sister dating my best friend is that I get to spend more time with him. It's increased our relationship, I know that, but Emily is possessive. Once she comes back from running an errand and Matt is home, I might as well say bye-bye to Matt!

Until Dawn | JOSH X OC [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now