Chapter Fifteen

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(Sorry for the wait, I'm kinda having writers block with this story. Comments and votes inspire me though so the more votes and comments I get, the more likely I am to update sooner! Also, not in a great place right now. Got some shit going on, so I apologize if this chapter is short and kinda sucks...Love, Anya :D)

I couldn't sleep that night and it wasn't just because Elliot and Isabelle refused to sleep. No, that was only a tiny bit of it. I couldn't stop thinking about meeting Amarie at the park and thinking about how different my childhood would have been if I had been raised by her instead of by the bastards I grew up around. Sure, Gavin had come around and even acted like a brother on occasion, but I didn't know if I could ever fully forgive him. Mary, on the other hand, had barely changed and was still acting like a bitch towards me. My adoptive parents were gone. They had left the pack along with Mary when they found out I was to be Luna. Gavin, he stayed. I had to admit that he was a good uncle to my kids and they loved him and so did I.

Elliot's wail shakes me out of my thoughts yet again. I think that the babies could sense my wayward thoughts and mixed emotions and were acting upon that empathy as best they could as newborn babies. Isabelle, while she still would let out a wail or two when her sister did, was much quieter and seemed to just want to be like her big sister but was clearly sleepy. But Elliot, she did not want to sleep at all. Her incessant wailing proved that. How my other children and my mate could possibly sleep through this, I didn't know. Hell, Kale was sleeping in the other rocking chair with a squirming Isabelle letting out tiny wails, and looked as peaceful as ever. He could sleep through a storm and had in fact upon many a night.

It was six in the morning by the time I finally got the twins to go to sleep. Kale and Isabelle looked so adorable sleeping in the rocking chair that I just had to take photos. I didn't have the heart to wake Kale or move Isabelle either and I knew Damien would be waking soon. He was my early riser but he was good about not bothering me when he knew his siblings had kept me up all night.

I was just starting to dose off when I heard the sound of little feet on wood floors. Two sets. Damien must have woken Tyler as the others would be screaming if their brothers had woken them. My little girls valued their beauty sleep above all else aside from cotton candy and chocolate, possibly.

"Mommy," Ty's little voice says as my boys walk into my bedroom. "Can we go play with Carter and Lily? Amarie said they would be here early to pick us up and we said we thought it was fine but forgot to ask you."

"Boys, you know you need to ask before making plans," I lecture. They hang their heads in guilt and I sigh when they look up at me, giving me the puppy-dog eyes which they have down to an art form, although being werewolf pups, of course they can do puppy dog faces easily. "What time?" I give in and my boys' faces light up with joy and excitement.


"Ian, go pour some cereal for you and your brother. Are any of your sisters going with?"

"Mackie," Damien declares.

"Okay, go wake her." I give them a stern look. "But be nice and gentle. I don't want to hear that you boys were mean to your sister."

"Okay!" the two chorus together, scuttling off to Mackie's room to wake her. I settle back down, knowing that Kale will be woken up by Mackie, seeing as she is a total daddy's girl and always wakes him up when she awakens. Kale will get them ready and for some reason unbeknown to me, I trust Amarie to watch out for my kids and take good care of them. Maybe it's instinct or something, but I'm pretty sure most don't feel that way only a day after meeting someone. Although, on the other hand, she is my long lost mother which could very easily have something to with it.

"Morning baby, how ya doing?" Kale asks groggily, walking into the kitchen. I smile and give him a quick peck on the lips before getting back to the task at hand-making breakfast without burning it, something that is quite difficult in my opinion.

"Kids are hanging with Amarie this morning. Well, the boys and Mackie. Lynnie has a dentist appointment with the pack dentist at ten and Mickey has an appointment to get her hair cut at noon. So, appointments or babies?" I ask, deciding to let him choose which responsibility is his today.

"Both. You and I take the kids to the dentist and hair dresser and then we take them out for lunch. How does that sound?" he suggests. I smile and agree enthusiastically, looking forward to spending time with my youngest four children.

When we pick up the boys and Mackie, they are thoroughly exhausted but can't stop talking about the amazing time they had. Luckily, they crash as soon as we get home and the twins are still asleep along with Mickey and Lynnie, so we have some time to relax and do other things. If you know what I mean.

"Finally, some time alone," Kale says, smirking and pulling me close. I reach up on my tiptoes and wrap my arms around his neck, feeling just how very excited he is by the large bulge in his pants. He leans in and kisses me and I'm on cloud nine. I've missed having alone time with him lately. We haven't really had any time to ourselves since the twins were born and like any young couple, we need our alone time, if you catch my drift.

"It feels so right to lie in his arms after passionately making love and not have any kids screaming for once or knocking things over or fighting. For once, we can simply take pleasure in each other's company. I love my kids and would do anything for them, but sometimes, it feels good to just be in my husbands arms, no screaming in the background. It's times like these I love. Good times with my kids and with my husband. Times when everything is simply perfect. Everything was perfect. A little too perfect.

(A/N Okay, so this used to be the end of the book but I've decided to continue it. The first few chapters of the sequel are up already and they don't give away anything important so feel free to read them. Since this is so short though and since i don't like the lack of action, I'm going to add a few more chapters for you guys. Keep reading, my loves and don't forget to vote, fan, and comment and check out my other books! -Anya :D)

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