Chapter Twenty Three

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Matteo wasn't moving, it was like I was kissing a statue. After a while longer of embarrassing myself I stepped away with cheeks burning in shame. F:ck.

We stood there in silence, the awkward tension was so painful I just wanted to die on the spot. Maybe like spontaneous combustion or something instantaneous like that...

All I knew was that I was the stupidest person to ever walk the face of the earth.

He reached out and awkwardly pat me on the arm before dropping his hand. I mean, I knew that I was going to regret kissing Matteo but I hadn't expected it to be this soon. I felt sick to my stomach and I turned away from him because the very sight of him was just one big reminder of my epic failure and it tormented me to the point of genuine nausea.

To my complete surprise, Matteo's hand lightly wrapped around my wrist and prevented me from walking away. "Olive, I know what you're thinking and it's not that at all."

What exactly was I thinking anyways?

He dragged his other hand through his hair, "You're still transitioning, I can't--"

I cut him off with my lips. There I went again, deliberately f:cking up my life as if I needed more things to be upset and confused about as it was.

Despite the stance Matteo had been laying out seconds before I'd ambushed him with my lips, he eagerly responded to my kiss. His hands automatically moving to my ass where he lifted me up and wrapped my legs around his waist.

Maybe I was acting this way because all the disdain I had for him that was pent up inside of me was finally lashing out into the form of unhealthy behaviors and decisions?

Honestly though, with how good Matteo's lips felt crushed against mine in that moment I didn't give a sh:t about what was right and wrong for me to do.

One of his hands moved from my butt and up to my neck. Matteo's touch stopping short of the mark on my neck as he tugged on my lower lip, pulling it between his own teeth.

He tentatively reached out and placed his hand over the spot on my neck as a comforting gesture.

But the moment his hand met my mark, a resounding crack boomed across the forest. It was only when intense pain tore through my body seconds later that I realized the cracking noise had come from me. My back was arched and contorted as my spine continued to crack and break, bones loudly combusting within me that sent me falling to the ground screaming.

Matteo prevented my fall, catching my body and cradling it in his arms as every bone in my body soon began to follow in suit. "You're shifting, Olive." His lips were pressed against my ear through my hair as he ministered over my strangled screaming. Matteo tried his best to keep my body calm but when you're entire body is forcefully reorganizing itself it proves to be quite the task.

Amias burst through the trees, sprinting over and grabbing Matteo's shoulder. "Alpha, you need to let her go."

Matteo looked from Amias back at my twisting frame and hesitantly released me just as my ribs began shifting within me, throwing me to my side away from their view. But just as suddenly as the shift had begun, my body began to reverse the process and return back to normal just as quickly.

I writhed on the grass for a few more lingering moments before I was stilled and was left just laying there thoroughly exhausted and confused and very much still human.

Matteo rushed back over to me and wrapped his arms around me, pulling me into his body and delivering me over to Amias. "I can walk, I'm fine." My voice came out as a course croak, it sounded even more exhausted than I felt in the moment.

Olive the Other WerewolvesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon