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One Month Later

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One Month Later

Full-throated, belly squeezing laughter overpowers the comedy playing on the flat screen in my living room. "Troy!" I throw a kernel of popcorn at his laughing face. "What's that supposed to mean?"

"Put it this way, citrus fruit should stay in the kitchen. It has no business in the bedroom."

"But it looks like so much fun!"

"To you maybe. To the guy, hell no!"

We both bust out laughing.

"OK. I get you," I concede.

Troy grabs a handful of popcorn from the bowl in my lap. "So, have you decided what you're going to do?" he asks.

"Yes, I'm keeping her. She didn't ask to be here."

"Her? Isn't it too soon to know?" He pops a few kernels in his mouth.

"Yes, but I like to think it's a she." I smile at the thought.

"And the guy, Phoenix?"

"Haven't talked in a month. I just can't with him. He's taken me through too much."

"A baby needs a father, Ari. You needed yours."

"Don't remind me. Besides, I've evolved. I don't need Tristan anymore."

Troy turns to face me. "I'll be there for you, Ari. You're not alone in this. You know that, right?"

I set the popcorn aside and hug him. My heart fills with gratitude for him. "You're always there. You're amazing, Troy Lockhart." I take my hand and ruffle the sandy blonde curls on top of his head. The warmth of his gorgeous green eyes lifts my spirits.

"Now, where's the hot sauce? A brother needs to spice up this bland ass popcorn." He licks his lips in anticipation.

"Right away, sir!" I head to the kitchen. "Want anything else, while I'm up?"

"Just the sauce."

I return to the couch. "You're serious about your hot sauce, huh?"

He chuckles as he douses the entire bowl with it.

I snicker at his childlike eagerness.

What does the future hold? What will life look like with you?

I rub my belly and sigh.

Thank you for purchasing and reading ELECTRIC IMPULSE! If you can take the time to provide some feedback on the story using this form, it would be much appreciated.

A/N: Hey Lovers! This has been an incredible journey, thank you for traveling with me. I hope you've enjoyed our time together. We've come to the end of book 1. There is more to this story, be sure to Follow me to get updates on book 2.

Please spill the tea. How are you feeling? Does the story end the way you expect it? What makes you happy about it? What makes you sad?

The first chapter to ELECTRIC IMPULSE: A Bond UnBreakable has been posted. Find it on my profile. See you on the other side.

I love ya'll! Muah!

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