Part 1

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After long hours of travelling, we finally arrived at the outskirts of Brighton. However, the coachman did not lead the horses to the actual village but instead took the path to the surrounding hills. Soon enough, a familiar sight came into view with the Clairvolt Manor surrounded by pine and silver fir trees all around. I was no fresh face to these grounds. During my seventeen-month engagement to Arthur Clairvolt, I would visit the manor every two months and spend two whole weeks here.

The carriage soon arrived at the gates and two tall guards opened the bronze structure for us to pass through. I watched as the carriage drove around the grand fountain that lay at the centre of the courtyard before stopping by the main steps leading to the entrance.

My heart skipped a beat as I glanced outside to only see Lady Estelle Marie Clairvolt waiting for us on the steps. When Arthur was still alive, he would wait upon my arrival alongside his mother even when it rained... but not that day and not ever again.

The sound of the footman opening the door of the carriage distracted me from my thoughts. I slowly got out of my seat and placed my hand in that of the footman who helped me down. As soon as Lady Estelle caught the first glimpse of me, she rushed towards me and held me tightly into her sweet, motherly embrace.

"My dear, how have you been?"she asked, trying to hide her mournful emotions.

"It has been hard and almost unbearable but life goes on..."I said as I gave her a sad smile.

"He would have waited for you... and he still is waiting for you..."she stated. I gulped as I held back the tears. "But onto a happier subject," she began as though she knew I was on the verge of crying. "you are the future wife of my younger son; Jonathan, the future Earl of Brighton which makes you the future Countess of this small but essential village."

"Then I shall not wait any longer to commence my studies about taking on such an important position."I said confidently. I did wish to dwell more on the subject of Arthur's death but my father had already started impatiently running his fingers over his short stubble. Bringing up my enthusiasm to learn how to be a proper wife seemed the obvious option.

"Wonderful."exclaimed Lady Estelle. "We shall begin tomorrow. I believe it has been quite a long journey all the way from Sheffield... should I ring for some tea?"

"Yes, that would be most kind of you."my father replied before all three of us walked inside.

"My husband and my dear Jon are out hunting in the western woodland that has been owned by the Clairvolt family for centuries..."commented Lady Estelle as two young maids entered the room with silver trays and lay the tea cups, saucers, teapots and scones carefully on the teatable. "I would like to introduce you to your new handmaiden. I know you may not need her at this point but she will prove to be rather useful once you become a Countess."

"Is that so?"I asked feeling rushed into the situation.

"Yes. Blair?"called out Lady Estelle and after a few, brief moments a skinny girl with black hair tied back in a bun entered the room. "Blair, this is Lady Alyssa; the girl I talked to you about earlier. She requires your service as a handmaiden. I trust you will not let me down."

"I thank you once more for your confidence in a girl like me."said Blair with her head lowered as she addressed the Countess. Then, she turned to face me and for the first time, my eyes met her brown ones. "M'lady, I am Blair Hatter. I have practised this position under the custody of several noblewomen namely Lady Catherine of Inverness and Lady Laura of-"

"There is no need for such formalities."I interrupted.

"It is rude to interrupt someone mid-sentence."hissed my father.

"Is she your handmaiden... or mine?"I asked as I gave him a stern look. When he said nothing, I turned once again to the girl before me. "Blair, it is my pleasure to make your accquaintance and I do intend to improve our relationship so that we may confide each other to call one another 'friend'." I said with a smile on my face.

"Oh certainly m'lady."Blair said and I could see her lips curving into a smile too. Suddenly, the sound of horses galloping grabbed my attention. Lady Estelle's face lit up.

"My son and my husband have arrived. Let us go out to meet them, shall we?" asked Lady Estelle. I simply nodded and with a smile as she made her way towards the door of the tearoom. "Holly! My shawl please!" I slowly got up from the armchair and walked in Lady Estelle's direction. However, before I could leave the room, my father grabbed my wrist and forced me to face him.

"You will act as a proper lady and an ideal wife." my father hissed. "If you fail to do so, I swear I will marry Pauline off to the first man I encounter on the street."

"What does she have to do with this?!"

"I know how dear she is to you and I know you will do anything to keep her safe."he said before putting on his gloves and walking outside. I lay alone in the quiet room. I would try my best to please my new husband-to-be but I would die to save Pauline if I had to. Then, with a determined look on my face, I walked outside to meet Jonathan Clairvolt. But little did I know that I was in for a surprise.

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