Chapter 20 - Edited Once

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Amazing cover by FSALZAABI

While I was sitting on the couch, waiting for Aaron and Lilly to show up, I finally heard the front door open. "We're back," Aaron called, and I didn't think. I just ran to greet Lilly. The only female that I know here. You could feel like a lost sheep when you are surrounded by boys.

"Hey, Ariel." She smiled, and I embraced her. She hugged me back and then patted my back.

"Hey, Lilly. Oh god, I missed you," I told her dramatically, and she chuckled. Then we walked to my room, not caring about the boys anymore. Why should I care about them when Lilly's with me?

"What have you been doing all this time?" She asked and sat on my big bed. It was not that long, maybe two weeks, since I last saw her, but you feel it was forever since I'm always with the boys.

"Nothing much. More importantly, how are you? And the baby?" I asked excitedly, then sat next to her and pointed at her belly. I'm happy for them.

They are cute together.

I said that a million times.

"We are doing great, thanks for asking... Now, should we get this party started?"

I grinned but then stopped what I was doing and stared at her. "Yes, but before that, I have to ask... Team Jacob or Team Edward?" I asked her this critical question. I have to know.

"Team Jacob all the way." She yelled, and I got thrilled.

"Yes, girl! That's what I'm talking about. I don't like sparkling bodies," I replied happily. It was nice to have another thing in common with your kidnapper's girlfriend. "Movies?" I asked.

"Movies." She confirmed.

After two hours of watching the Maze Runner -which was a hell of a movie- we sat on my bed with Oreos, pancakes, and Waffles, then started chatting.

Note to self: Thank Jaxon later for the pancakes and Waffles.

"So, Ariel, any guy in the picture?" She smirked, and I thought about it.

Actually, if we are talking about the whole picture, there are the boys...

But I know was she meant. I'm not an idiot.

"Actually, that's what I wanted to talk about," I paused for a minute, and she waited silently. "How do you know if you are in love with someone? I've never had a boyfriend due to my overprotective brothers," I asked, then chuckled at the last comment remembering my family.

"Um, wow!" That's all she said, and she was right.

"I know, right?" I replied with a sigh.

"Okay, when you are with the guy, do you feel like you start acting dumb or fall on the floor for no reason?" She asked, and I opened my mouth to ask. "Before you say anything, I did fall on the floor couple of times in front of Aaron, don't comment," she warned, and I closed my mouth.

Well, yes, I did fall. Twice.

"So if you did, then you probably like him. Next is when you feel like butterflies dominating your whole stomach, and you feel shy or want to blush when he smiles or even smirks. When you two are together, you feel like the time has stopped to be with him only, to enjoy his presence, to gratify his company. This indicates that you probably love him. Finally, if you feel like you can't stay away from him for a long time and feel all of the above, then you are in love with him." She explained wisely and in a calm relaxing tone. She talked like a mature mama.

"What's the difference between like, love, and in love?" I asked again.

"Simple. For me, it's the same difference between currently, for a bit, and forever. So, Ariel, think about it and think wisely, and when you have the answer, please tell me," she said. I was dumbfounded by her speech. She was talking like a grown and mature mother... Well, she will be a great mother soon.

"Wow, I have no words. Thank you so much, Lilly! I knew I could count on you, and from now on, you're my best friend," I cleared, then held her in a warm embrace.

She was shocked for a moment but recovered quickly. "Really? I've never had a friend claim that I'm her best friend," she replied with a sad smile.

I looked at her with wide eyes. "What? Really? Why is that? I mean, you're cool, caring, lovely, and sweet... What else... and friendly, you make the person love you." I pointed out honestly.

"You made me happy, thanks. I don't know why... they would hate me for no reason. I tried to befriend them, but eh. I do have friends, but just friends, not good or best," she replied with a bit of sadness in her eyes.

"Well, I know they are crazy, and you are awesome." I smiled and hugged her tighter than before.

"Thank you, Ariel. From now on, you are my best friend too." She smiled genuinely, which made her glow with happiness. She was charming.

"Okay, now, enough with all the emotional stuff, and let's watch another movie," I clapped my hands and switched to Netflix.

"Oh yes, how about Abduction? It's a great movie," she suggested, and I nodded happily. So we spent the night watching and eating until our eyes gave up and darkness took over.

I woke up to a bang on the door. Not a great way to wake up, that was for sure. "Who is it?" I called with my tired voice, crawled out of bed, and opened the door to see Aaron. Can't stay away from his angel, huh?

"Is she awake?" he asked, looking behind me.

I rolled my eyes and then yawned. "Well, good morning to you too, and no," I stepped aside to let him have a better view.

"Oh no, we will be late." He ran his hand through his hair and sighed.

"Late for what?" I asked, arching my eyebrows.

"She has a doctor's appointment for the baby, you know, a checkup in about 45 minutes. Can you wake her up? I will tell Jaxon to make us breakfast," Aaron explained, then ran his hand through his dark brown hair.

I nodded. "Yeah, sure." With that, he went out, and I closed the door. I walked to stand beside her, then shook her shoulders. "Hey, Lilly, wake up," I called softly. I don't want to see a surprised pregnant woman screaming at me.

"Ummm," she hummed, and I shook her harder.

"Lilly, you will be late. Wake up," I said, and she slightly opened her eyes.

"For what?" She asked in her gruff voice.

"You have a checkup in about 40 minutes. Wake up," I replied and demanded.

Her eyes widened with realization, and she jumped out of bed. "Oh no, why you didn't wake me up sooner... Oh, wait, that's Aaron's job." With that, she disappeared into my bathroom.

I chuckled at her action, then laid on the bed and thought about what she said last night.

Maybe I love Jaxon, but I don't know if I'm in love with him.

I guess I will just spend more time with him to find out.


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