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Chapter 3

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"There are only 3 things that can make your dreams come true: your thoughts, your words, and your actions." Mike Dooley


Chapter Three

Rose's sleep that night was light as she couldn't stop thinking about what Derek had said.

I would.

Though Charlotte had never made her feel inferior, Rose had always felt as though she'd grown up in her shadow. It was only natural, after such a disastrous and humiliating season, for her voice to fall into the shadows as well.

To have someone like Derek, a successful and respected businessman, talk directly to her and tell her that she needed to speak up made her feel quite ... giddy.

She was quite tired when the sun rose the next morning, and her bedroom door opened promptly as seven o'clock chimed. It wasn't her maid, Gabrielle, though, as she hadn't rung the bell. It was Charlotte.

She climbed into bed with Rose and sighed, sounding as lethargic as Rose felt, but for different reasons. "Good morning, my love," murmured Charlotte as she cuddled up to Rose.

"Georgie?" Rose guessed.

Charlotte nodded. "Nate might as well be a corpse. Georgie screams and he doesn't hear her. I just want to sleep, five minutes please."

Before Rose had the opportunity to answer, Charlotte's breathing become even and deep as she drifted off to sleep. Rose knew that Georgie wouldn't always be difficult. Edward wasn't. She would soon learn to sleep through the night.

Rose carefully slipped out of bed and rang the bell for her lady's maid. Traditionally, married women were served breakfast in bed and unmarried women dined downstairs with the family, but Rose thought that she and Charlotte would both remain upstairs for the duration of the morning. She deserved a little break away from the children. Rose admired her for refusing to hire a nanny, but every mother needed some time away every so often. Nate was a wonderful and doting father, and he could take care of the little ones for an hour or so.

Ten minutes later, Rose's lady's maid, Gabrielle Chamberlain, arrived at Rose's door. Gabrielle was a few years older than Rose was, and had originally worked as a housemaid in London while taking courses to secure work as a lady's maid. She was a skilled and loyal maid, but she and Rose were not confidantes, not like Bess and Anna were.

"Good morning, milady," Gabrielle greeted, smiling. She was a pretty, young lady with auburn coloured hair and warm, hazel eyes. "Shall I have a bath brought up or are you ready to dress? Breakfast is not for a little while. Would you like some tea in the meantime?"

"Good morning, Gabrielle," Rose replied. "No, Lady Montrose and I will have our breakfast upstairs today. Could you ask Mrs Weston for some eggs and some fresh bread and butter?"

"Of course, milady." Gabrielle nodded. "Will there be anything else?"

"No, that's all for now." Rose smiled.

Gabrielle curtseyed and then retreated back down the hallway.

Rose closed the door and then decided to dress herself. She selected a simple button-down gown that she could fix herself and then laced herself as best she could into her corset. The gown, a day dress, was a pale green and embroidered with a similar coloured cotton along the hem and over the bodice. The sleeves were short, which was comfortable considering the September weather was still quite warm.

Rose brushed her long, dark hair and twisted it to the best of her ability on top of her head and fixed it with some hair pins.

She looked back at Charlotte in her bed who looked practically unconscious. The poor thing was exhausted.

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