Secrets & Lies

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Emerald POV

'Em, stop being a creep...its rude to stare,' Ivy says as she finally opened her eyes. I chuckled before replying, 'it's not my fault that I have the pleasure of waking up to the most beautiful view.' She smiles as she pulls me closer. I hold her tighter as I reminisce on our past. I think about the first time she snatched opened that door. She was furious but even then she peeked my interest. I chuckled. 'What's so funny,' Ivy asked. I planted a kiss on her lips. 'Just thinking about the first time we met. Do you know what the first thing you said to me was,' I asked. She paused for a second as if she was in deep thought and then she too chuckled, 'God, I was such a bitch that night. You're hands were full of liquor and all I did was yell, 'who the hell are you?' she said as she shook her head. 'But lets not forget you too were a little edgy that night too. Miss 'I'm the girl holding the bags of liquor and there's a hell of a lot more in the trunk of my cousins car, are you going to lend a hand or keep asking me stupid questions?' I laughed out loud, 'You should have saw your face after I said that. I swear you looked like a deer caught in the headlights.' She playfully rolled her eyes, ' I was just so shocked! No one and I mean no one had ever talked back to me like that, I was just caught of guard,' Ivy said.

'Honestly, what was your first thoughts of me,' she asked as she traced patterns on my stomach. 'Honestly babe, I thought you were a asshole and as the night went on my opinion of you only got worse. Especially the way you talked to that girl and Amy that night. Not to mention, my not so friendly welcome to Madison Prep.' Her laughter cut me off, 'Oh my God, do you know how much planning went into that, but seriously babe, I am so sorry about that. I don't think I've ever really apologized for that,' she said as she pecked my lips. I deepened the kiss and smiled because honestly that was all water under the bridge. I jokingly asked, 'Do I have to bring a raincoat come Monday, I mean I don't want to chance it.' She playfully slapped my arm, 'No silly, I don't think I can ever hurt you again. I love you too much.' There they go again. Every time I hear her say those three words its like a swarm of butterflies erupt in my stomach and I get this stupid face eating grin on my face.

I Lo...'Wakey wakey, hanky panky time is over beside if your night was half as good as mine you guys should be just as starved as I am. Now, get a move on it, while the clean up crew does their thing we're e going to breakfast,' Blake yelled as she barged into the room. We both groaned as Ivy pulled the sheets up to hide our naked forms from her evil best friend. 'I'm patiently waiting, so get to it,' Blake said as she stood in the doorway tapping her imaginary watch. I tossed a pillow at her as she ducked just in time. 'For crying out loud Blake, were coming,' I said in hopes of getting her to give us some privacy. She smirked before replying, "I bet you both were 'coming' a lot last night,' Blake said as she wiggles her eyebrows and walked further into the room. "Blake Livingston, you've got two seconds to leave or your going to see a lot more of me than you want,' Ivy said as she glared at Blake. Finally as if a light bulb went off in her head Blake looked at Ivy then me, then back to Ivy. She quickly hopped up as she made a disgusted face, 'Wait are you two still naked? What the hell? Next time just say that?' she said as she bolted out of the room.

Ivy immediately hopped up and slammed the door shut being sure to lock it this time. We both doubled over in laughter. Finally after settling down I watched Ivy begin to lay out her outfit for the day. As she gathered her clothes I wrapped my arms around her. 'You know we can save a lot of water if we shower together,' I said as I began to pepper soft kisses on her neck. She tilted her head to the side to give me better access as I sucked on her pulse point. She let out a low moan as I watched her through the mirror connected to her dresser. Just as I was about to turn her around she grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the bathroom. I was about to speak when I was cut off by a pair of lips attached to mine as she pushed me against the bathroom door.

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