Chapter 35

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"What if she suddenly got her memories back after hitting her head?"

"Shut up."

With my head throbbing, I fluttered my eyes open to the sight of Namjoon gawking at me with bewilderment written all over his face.

"She's awake! Jimin, go call a doctor!" he hurriedly said

With his mouth agape, Jimin came rushing out of the hospital room; leaving me alone with Namjoon. I groaned in pain, holding the side of my bandaged head. My eyes wandered around the white walls of the room, before they settled on Namjoon's attentive ones.

"W-Where's Yoongi?" I stammered

Trying to lift myself to sit up, I ended up hissing due to the discomfort I felt. I was emotionally drained due to the past events and with the lack of information on the aftermath of the car accident. My gaze was practically intensive and desperate enough for an answer.

"He's in the other room. The others are there with him. Don't worry, he's fine;" I raised an eyebrow and Namjoon sighed inaudibly in defeat "...although he's in a worse condition, he's going to be fine, [Y/N]. The doctors want you to rest."

I clicked my tongue, tossing the sheets and throwing my leg to the side. That action itself caused great pain to me as my expression contorted onto a struggling one.

"Woah, woah! Where are you going?" Namjoon exclaimed in shock, grasping my arm to halt me from leaving the bed

"I-I need to see Yoongi." I said, wriggling from his grasp

"After you get better, [Y/N]." he said sternly as he captivated me with an intimidating gaze

Sighing, I laid back on the bed. Namjoon placed the covers on me again as I puckered my bottom lip and scrunched my eyebrows in irritation. He chuckled at my childishness as he took my hand in his. Eyeing the ring on my fourth finger, Namjoon heaved a heavy and deep sigh.

"Who knew an engagement could cause so much chaos?" he spoke with a tone of a fooled one

For the nth time, an exasperated sigh escaped my lips as I laid my head back on the hospital bed's pillow. I closed my eyes, swallowing the lump in my throat. Everything was hazy in my head and it was taking me time to process all the information and I was just thankful that Yoongi survived.

"Don't stress yourself—"

"How could I not? Namjoon, Yoongi tried to kill himself and got hit by a speeding vehicle. All that happened because I entered his life again." I snapped, bringing a hand to clutch the sides of my aching head

Namjoon looked at me with a melancholic gaze as he opened his mouth to speak. However, he was immediately interrupted by the room's door bursting open with the doctor, Jimin, my parents and siblings.

"Noona!" they exclaimed at the same time with grins plastered on their faces

Running to my side, a smile etched on my lips as my brothers gently hugged my side before Namjoon gestured for them to rush to him instead.

"[Y/N], we're so glad that you're finally awake. We never really thought that we would have to wait for you to wake up from an accident again." my mother rambled sadly

I gave a small smile with dull eyes as the doctor stood by the side of my bed with a skeptical look embroidered on his face.

"How are you feeling, [Y/N]? Dizzy?" the doctor asked

Nodding my head timidly, I noticed everybody's eyes were on me and the doctor conversing about my condition.

"Can you move your fingers? Toes? Legs?" the doctor asked

I started moving my joints; starting with my fingers by contracting my hand and retracting it back. The doctor nodded in acknowledgement; writing down on the clipboard.

"I'll just check your eyes and I want to hear you through the stethoscope." the doctor said before sitting down on the bed

With a yellow light straight through my eye, I could not help but wonder when exactly Yoongi was going to wake up. I snapped out of my senses when the doctor pressed the cold stethoscope on my chest before making me take deep breaths.

"Nothing wrong. Your pupils dilate just like how they should and I heard nothing to be alarmed of." the doctor said, standing up and glancing at the people in the room

"I want you to take some rest and you won't be released just yet for further monitoring and observation." the doctor said while I nodded slowly

"Excuse me but are you also handling Min Yoongi? How is he? Is he going to be fine?" I asked eagerly

My parents gave me identical disappointed looks as I chose to ignore them. My brothers, Namjoon and Jimin waited for the doctor's answer along with me as he thought about it for a couple of seconds.

"As of now, Mr. Min is in a critical condition. He was severely injured due to the impact of the car on him. His head was greatly affected due to the concussion of the fall. It is expected that it would take a lot of time for him to wake up; or worse, he would never wake up." the doctor stated

"Am I allowed to see him now?" I asked again, swallowing the lump in my throat

Shocked by the information, I could feel my tears welling up in my eyes as the thought of Yoongi never waking up lingered in my mind. Namjoon gave my hand a reassuring and comforting squeeze which I appreciated.

"As I said earlier, it is best for you to rest first." the doctor said before excusing and leaving

I sighed, biting on my quivering lip.

"You heard the doctor, [Y/N]. Sleep and rest a lot first. You're not allowed to see Yoongi; keep that in mind." my father sternly stated

They walked out of the room, saying that they would be fixing the bills on the counter.

Infuriated by their words, Jimin, Namjoon and my brothers gave me a common frown which made me chuckle a little while my tears blurred my vision. I knew that my eyes turned glassy by that moment as I forced myself to feel remarkable.

"Carry on, [Y/N]. We'll listen." Jimin assured

With those words, my tears rolled down my cheeks as a sob escaped from the back of my throat. My chest clenched as I started to sob horrendously with the sadness wallowing within me.

"Will he wake up?"

la vie en rose (min yoongi) Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang