Chapter Thirty

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Laura managed to scramble her way to the closet quickly and quietly, almost tripping herself (which almost made me let out a yelp). She opened the closet softly with fast movements and closed the door before staying completely silent. And that was when Leo opened the door with his usual smug face as he walked towards me.
    "Have you been a good boy?" he asked as he looked down at me with pure arrogance.
    I just turned away and muttered some inaudible words with a glare.
    "Oh, come on, baby . . . Don't be like that," Leo said with a smug grin.
    He sat on the bed, forcing me to face his direction as he leaned in quickly to kiss me deeply. I struggled to push him away. I knew I could do something else to escape his kiss like biting his lips or tongue if he ever dared shove it in my mouth. But I knew that I shouldn't.
    Once he pulled away to breathe, I gasped for air as I panted, gripping the bed sheets tightly. I didn't need to look up to know that he was smirking. I really wondered what Laura thought we were doing when she didn't hear any muffled words coming from us. But I was thankful that she stayed quiet.
    "Did something happen? You looked really panicked when I came in here," Leo said, his eyes staring down at me. I swear, if it was dark, I would still be able to see his eyes looking at me maliciously. "Did anyone come here when I was away?" He leaned in to my face with a smirk, making me shrink back. Shit, shit, shit, think! I thought urgently. I then straightened myself but backed away from Leo before letting out a fake but realistic huff.
    "You just opened the door so suddenly that it scared me . . ." I mumbled, looking down as I faked a frown while folding my arms.
    "Haha, you're so cute," Leo said, patting my head.
    I didn't make a comment and just sat there with an uncomfortable frown as he looked at me with his notorious smile.
    Once he stopped patting me, he climbed onto the bed and sat beside me, our shoulders touching. I shifted away but he shifted closer until I reached the edge of the bed. I let out a silent sigh and just let our shoulders touch unwillingly. He then wrapped his right arm around my shoulders and leaned his head against mine as I tried my best not to punch his face.
    There was a few minutes of silence before he started talking.
    "You know . . . about Laura . . ." Leo trailed off before looking at me.
    I knew that Laura could hear him through the thin closet door and I knew for a fact that she was listening attentively. I could just picture her leaning again the closet door with her ear pressed against it before falling out on accident. God, I hope that doesn't happen.
    "During elementary school, after helping me bully you one day, she came up to me and actually had the guts to slap my fucking face," Leo said, chuckling wickedly. "Told me she was done with bullying you and all that shit."
    I hastily glanced at the closet before looking to the front with an uninterested face so that Leo wouldn't be suspicious.
    "And you know what I did to her?" Leo asked with a calm but evil smile.
    I bit my bottom lip before barely shaking my head. I knew that Laura was hearing all of this. I felt really bad for her to hear the unforgettable past.
    "I slapped her mouth so hard that you could see my handprint there," Leo said with a daring, low chuckle. "Tears pricked her eyes as she held her cheek. Poor bitch got slapped because she was way too arrogant."
    My eyes widened as I took another glance at the closet. It was quiet. Laura didn't make a sound. I just really hoped that she was covering her ears so that she couldn't hear anything. I could somehow picture Laura with tears streaming down her cheeks as she listened carefully, covering her mouth.
    I shouldn't have pictured her like that. Because the more I thought about her crying, the more anxious I felt.
    "Of course, she didn't tell Butler Dave because I forced her not to before she actually gets a beating from me," Leo continued as he pulled me closer to him. "And you know what that cunt did? She went out of our room pass bedtime to find Butler Dave."
    My mouth was opened slightly but I closed it as I took another quick glance at the closet. I couldn't believe that Leo just called his sister a cunt. Now, if I were Laura and if I heard this from him, I would've punched him and kicked him out of the current house that we were staying in.
    "Of course, I was following her the whole time. When she got to Dave's door and was about to knock, I pulled her hair harshly and dragged her back to our room as she screamed in agony. Dave heard everything. He came out of his room and entered our room, asking if we were okay. Of course, I knew this would happen, so I threatened Laura again before he came in, only earning a nod and an unbelievable smile from her. Once I assured Dave, he went back to his room, still worried. That was when I closed the door and kicked her in the stomach. She let out an agonizing yelp as she fell, crawling away from me," Leo paused and looked at me before hugging me with a threatening smile. "You don't want me to do the same to Nate, do you?"
    My eyes widened as I gulped, shaking my head promptly.
    For the rest of the time, Leo just described how badly he injured Laura: punched her in the face twice, kicked her probably more than four times in the stomach, stepped on her hand repeatedly when she was on the ground, scratched her arms till skin tore with fresh blood trickling down her arm slowly. It was as if Leo was a ferocious animal. It was as if he wasn't even a human. What's worse was that he just left her on the floor helplessly as he went to bed, hearing her loud sobs. She only went silent when Leo demanded her to shut up as he threw an empty toy box at her.
    When he stopped talking, that was when something could be heard from the closet: a muffled sniffle. And to cover up suspicions, I started sniffling and faking that I was on the edge of crying but tears actually made their way out of my eyes as Leo stared at me. I started rubbing my eyes as I faced away from him.
    "Haha, don't cry for a bitch," Leo said, patting me, playing with my hair.
    I didn't face him. I was actually tearing up not only because I wanted to cover up any suspicion, but I also felt really bad for Laura for having such a dubious brother. The story of their past bothered me so much.
    Leo then stopped patting me and got off the bed, taking his small backpack. "I'm heading out to hang out with some friends from my previous school. Don't miss me too much," he said with a wink before closing the door, twirling the keys that unlocks the chains.
    "L-Laura?" I called out as I wiped away the tears that were running down my cheeks.
    The closet door creaked open and Laura went out of the closet with fat tears running down her cheeks, snot even running down her nose. She didn't even bother to wipe it away.
    She clenched her teeth. "I'm sorry, Jone. I-I couldn't help it."
    "Laura . . ."
    "You shouldn't be crying. Y-you shouldn't feel bad for me . . ."
    "But Laura . . . you—"
    "I thought he forgot all about you . . ."
    I stayed silence as she sniffled loudly as more tears and snot were released.
    "I even asked him in our dorm if he remembered . . . That fake bastard lied to me . . . My one and only brother which I thought who changed lied to me . . ." she said as she trembled, walking towards me.
    She placed her hands on my shoulders.
    "I'll definitely get you o-out! I'm not leaving you here with t-this asshole!" she cried as she tried her best not to let tears fall anymore. "I-I'm . . . going to save you. Get you outta here with the help of Nate and whoever I can gather!" Laura said with confidence. "I seriously . . ."
    I looked at Laura. I haven't seen her this mad or sad before. Nor have I heard her cuss. But I knew that she was mad at Leo. To think that her only brother backstabbed her really hurts . . .
    "I seriously can't stand this shit anymore!" she screamed as more tears fell.

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