The Eve Of Halloween

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It's been 28 days since Joseph Hollands arrest. He killed 5 people: Rose Jones, Marion Jones, Hunter Woods, Tammy Holland, Chuck Hamilton, Tony Temple. The town of SnowVille has been safe since....but will it stay that way?

                         30th October

"Hi guys," Megan says as she sits down at the table with Annie and Jonathan.
"Hi," Annie and Jonathan both say.
"Are you ok Annie?" Megan asks.
"I've had days better," Annie replies.
Annie has been depressed since the day her brother stabbed her in the stomach. When she was taken to hospital she was given the most heartbreaking news of her life...she would never have kids. Annie hated her brother. She despised him but who could blame her after what he caused.
"So what have you been up to," Jonathan asks Megan.
"Not much it's been hard for me and my father back at home...tomorrow is the one month anniversary of Roses death," Megan says.
"Oh I'm sorry I forgot," Jonathan says.
"It's fine," Megan says.
"I know how you feel," Annie says," but I'm so sorry about what my brother did."
"It's not your fault," Megan says," you weren't to know how much of a sick bastard your brother was."
"Megan don't," Jonathan says.
"Fuck off Jonathan!" Shouts Megan.
"Megan what's your fucking problem I can't change anything now what do you want me to do go back in time and change the past?"
"Fuck you!" Screams Megan as she begins to cry.
Megan runs out of the cafeteria as Annie screams," you will never be my friend again!"
Megan runs into the hallway and bumps into one of her old friends, Steven Harvest.
Steven drops all of his files and paper.
"I'm sorry," sobs Megan as she kneels down and starts to help him pick up his paper.
"Don't worry it's fine," Steven says," but it seems to like your not fine."
Megan looks at him and he gives her a smile.
"I'm sorry about everything that happened," he says.
Megan breaks down and sobs.
"I'm sorry I shouldn't have said anything," Steven says.
"It's ok," says Megan.
Steven looks at Megan and smiles. Megan smiles back. Steven and Megan begin kissing.
"You should come to the Rooftop Halloween party tomorrow," Steven says.
"I could to get my mind off of Rose's anniversary I would probably leave early though so I can spend some time with my dad," explains Megan.
"Sure I can text you over Instagram later so you know the details," Steven says.
"Ok thanks," Megan replies.
Steven smiles at her as he walks away.
Megan walks out of college and calls a taxi ride home as he fathers at work and is not available to give her a lift home. She would do the rest of her classes but she's just gonna bunk since there's to much going on for her to even think about college.


Steven Harvest walks into the cafeteria and starts handing out flyers for the Rooftop Halloween party.
"When is this party?" Annie asks As Steven gives her a flyer.
"It's tomorrow night at 8:30 pm until midnight," Steven informs Annie before he walks off handing out more
"Maybe we should go," Annie says to Jonathan.
"That would be fun," Says Jonathan.
"Ok lets do it plus it will be good to take our minds off everything that's happened and all the drama with Megan," Annie explains.
"Ok pick me up at 8 o'clock tomorrow night," Jonathan says.
The Bell goes and Annie and Jonathan stand up to walk to class.

16 Canary Lane

Megan sits on the couch and switches on Netflix. Yesterday they added a new movie called Death Note. She hasn't seen it yet but she has seen the trailers and in her opinion it looks awesome. The other day when Megan didn't have anything to do she watched Before I Wake which is also an amazing movie.
Megan, Rose and their parents used to watch horror movies together. She missed that. She remembers the time they all watched Halloween together since it's Megan's all time favourite horror movie. Rose kept screaming and it was hilarious.
"Why does Michael keep chasing Laurie for gods sake!" Rose shouts.
"It's because it's his sister," Megan laughed.
"Why would you want to kill your own sister!" Rose shouts once again.
Megan remembers her saying those words. Now she thinks of it why would Joseph Holland want to kill his own sister. He killed his sister Tammy. He tried to kill his other sister Annie but instead killed her future parenthood. It doesn't make sense to why he would want to murder all those people. She met Joseph before and he was a really nice guy. But it just doesn't make sense.
Megan continues thinking about it. He didn't even know Rose. Why would he kill her? Perhaps Rose was in the wrong place at the wrong time.
Megan decides she should go out and find a Halloween costume for the party tomorrow so she changes her clothes. She puts on a flowery dress, black tights and black high heels and then for warmth she put on a long, beige coat. She takes her hair out of the bun and lets it fall down to her shoulders.

                        2 hours later
                       Duffy's Diner

Nancy Atkins and Mike Miles sit at their table.
"Nancy I was thinking if since we have been dating we should you know....move to the next stage," Mike says to Nancy.
"We can't get married yet," Laughs Nancy.
"I know that I didn't mean marry me I meant maybe we could move away together," Mike says.
"I will," Nancy laughs," I need to get away from this town and all the stuff that happened here at the beginning of the month."
"We should go to New York City," Mike says.
"I've always wanted to go to New York City," Nancy says.
"I knew you would say yes," Mike laughs," that's why I've already bought our apartment."
"Omg!" Nancy screams," I LOVE YOU!"
The whole diner begins to look at them strangely. Nancy kisses Mike passionately.
"I love you Nancy Atkins," Mike says.
"I love you Mike miles," Nancy whispers.
They both smile at each other.
"Right I need to get home and pack," giggles Nancy.
Her and Mike jump up from their table and run out of the diner. Mike runs back in and leaves the money for the bill sitting on the table.

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