2.10 - The Phone Call.

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*Ian's POV*

She looks so innocent and pretty. I couldn't take my eyes off of her as she walked around in her purple dress. She looked more like a teenager, a beautiful teenager. Beside me Mr.Brown was talking to one of our clients and I was busy looking at her over his shoulder. My jaw clenched when my eyes landed on the russet hand around her waist. I balled my empty hands in fists to prevent myself from going there and ripping his hand off her but when she slipped away from his hold my fists loosened and the smile was back on my face.

"Is that okay?" Mr.Brown asked me, making me look away from Alison and at him. "Yes!" I replied without even knowing what the question was. "Please excuse me" I said and walked away from there towards the mini bar, away from everyone but I could still see her from there.

I sat on the stool and poured myself a glass of whiskey and sipped on it while just looking at her, my Alison. Even if she has a different name now but she was, is and always be my Alison.

From six years I haven't seen her. Well yes, I did have a picture of her, framed, on my desk but I wasn't able to see her in person.

I remember when I was a kid, I lost my toy. I loved it very much but I wasn't among the kids who will cry about it. I knew if I cry my mom will get sad and I loved her too much to do that. At night she came in my room to see how I was and like a brave little boy, I told her 'It's okay I'll play with my other toys' the thing she said to me next is still in my heart 'we only loose the things we love', at that time I couldn't understand what she meant so I asked her.

Mom brushed her hand through my hair affectionately and answered. "You also lost the teddybear your school friend gave you on your birthday, but you didn't notice that because you was not attached to it like you were to this toy". My face beamed in joy when mom removed the toy from her back and while I hugged the toy again, I understood what she meant.

I know I made the biggest mistake of my life by letting her go that day but I wasn't going to let that happen again. No matter how long it takes I will get my Alison back.

"I know" someone said beside me that broke my train of thoughts. I teared my eyes away from the brunette and looked at the russet skinned boy by my side and my face hardened. "What do you know?" I asked and poured myself another drink.

"I know you are connected to Sapphire's past" his answer made me freeze. How did he know? As far as I know nobody among us told him then how? I looked at him with furrowed brows and saw him chuckling at my expression. "You are thinking how do I know? The answer to that is Sapphire's doctor. She was having headaches and this didn't happen for six years so I took her to the doctor and her doctor told me that something happened in her life that was connected to her past" he then looked at me before continuing "the only change in her life was your entry. That explained the strange behaviour of Mr.Brown in my office and how you know about Saph's likes and dislikes even though you met her only once"

I just kept looking at him. He is clever than I give him credit for. I looked away without saying anything and sipped on my drink.

"She's the reason you agreed on buying my shares, didn't you?" He asked. If he knows everything then I don't see a reason to lie.

"Yes, she's the reason" I answered and looked back at him with confidence. "She's the reason I am here and I will take her with me." As soon as those words left my mouth his face hardened. "You can't take her away from me" he said through clenched teeth. "I like to see you try to stop me" I bit back. He was cut off by the arrival of Aiden. I gave him a smirk and left my seat. Time to give that grumpy head a shock.

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