34. "I'm saving myself until marriage"

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I know I say this a lot but I really appreciate the comments, messages and votes you guys leave me, they honestly make me so happy so thank you, keep them coming :)

Also, before we start, I wanted to ask you guys' opinion on something. I'm planning on having New Hope Club feature in a couple of later chapters and maybe have one of them try and flirt with Ella. I'm just not sure who yet so tell me which one of them you think it should be :)


The minute I wake up that morning, I regret drinking so much. My head is throbbing, my mouth feels dry and I'm starving but I'm too tired to do anything about it. I snuggle myself further into my duvet and squeeze my eyes shut, hoping that I can fall back asleep and wake up in a couple of hours with no symptoms of a hangover.

That doesn't happen because my mind starts to wander back to last night. I can't quite get over the fact I saw Jamie and I still feel a crippling embarrassment that he didn't recognise me. With the pounding in my head and the lack of alcohol in my system, it hurts even more.

Pulling me from my thoughts is the sound of quiet knocks that seem like they're coming from my door. I ignore it in the hopes that whoever it is will leave.

They don't because I hear the door open and shut quietly, followed by soft footsteps coming towards my bed. Then they stop, but I can still sense the person stood near me, watching me.

"Yes, I am asleep" I mumble, to which I hear a soft chuckle in reply. I prise one eye open to see Brad in a t-shirt and a pair of grey boxers with his hair in it's usual, unkempt style. He's placing a glass of water on the table next to my bed. His eyes slide over to me and he smiles in amusement, probably at the sight of me bundled up in my covers. He crouches down beside my bed.

"Just checking if you're okay" he says in a hushed voice, which I mentally thank him for.

"I'm fine" I hum though thinking back to last night, I'm not sure if it's entirely true.


"A little"

"I brought you some water and an Ibuprofen," he tells me, gesturing to my bedside table.

"Thanks" I say with a small smile, my voice a little croaky.

"Are you sure you're okay?" he asks, to which I nod, "because you really didn't seem okay last night"

Oh god, can I stop being reminded of last night, please?

"You screamed at me to 'fuck off' in the middle of the club," he says with a twinkle of amusement in his eye.

"I did apologise for that" I pout.

"I know" he smiles, "I was wondering whether it was because you'd had too much to drink or if it was something else"

"Probably both" I murmur. His expression turns sad and I absentmindedly poke my arm out from under the duvet and push the corner of his mouth upwards with my finger.

"Was it because of me?" he asks quietly. I frown and shake my head, "do you wanna talk about it?"

"Not really" I say honestly.

"Okay," he says, thankfully not prying any further, "you know I'm here if you do wanna talk"

I nod and he leans over, pressing his lips softly against my forehead sweetly.

"I better go before the others wake up" he tells me as he stands up, "you want me to make you some breakfast?"

The thought of food is making me want to throw up.

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