Chapter 12: Down The Rabbit Hole

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"Hello," Y/n smiled as they saw Rose Quartz approach them

"Hello, My little Y/n," Rose Quartz smiled, "Did you have fun with my Steven this weekend?"

"Yeah, we had a lot of fun" Y/n nodded

"You also had quite sometime with Amethyst," Rose Quartz smiled as she revealed a blooming rose, "The seed of your bond has begun to blossom beautifully,"

"Yeah, we had a good talk," Y/n nodded

"I'm glad," Rose Quartz told as she set her hand on Y/n's shoulder, slowly sliding it down to their arm, rubbing it up and down, "And I hope that conversation cleared some fog for you as well,"

"Some of it yeah," Y/n said, "I'm still confused though,"

"That's okay," Rose Quartz assured, "You'll find the answers in time, all by yourself,"

"In a year?" Y/n frowned, "If you say so..."

"Keep your head up, you still have a many journeys to bear through," Rose Quartz said, "One of those journeys begins tomorrow... with the human named Sadie,"

"Sadie? What's going on with her?" Y/n asked

"You'll see soon enough, now rest up, you have an exciting day ahead, My little Y/n," Rose Quartz said


"Y/n! There you are," Sadie called as she ran down the school hallway to catch up with Y/n, "Here are a copy of my notes," Sadie said as she handed over a thick folder of paper

"Whoa, these are some hardcore notes," Y/n laughed as they skimmed a few

"Well, I gotta get good grades or my mom will kill me," Sadie told, "Can't believe it's already Monday,"

"Yeah, the long weekend just breezed by," Y/n said, "How's your friend doing?"

"Oh, Susie? She's still a bit shaken up, but I think she's doing better now that Morgan is behind bars... I heard she might be testifying against him," Sadie told

"That must be rough for her," Y/n nodded

"Yeah, and I think they're trying to call in like almost all of the boys' volleyball team too, it's crazy!" Sadie said

"That's one way to put it," Y/n said, "Isn't that Susie over there?"

"Oh yeah, that is!" Sadie smiled, "Susie! Over here!"

"Oh, hey Sadie... Y/n," Susie said softly as she walked over

"How are you feeling?" Sadie asked

"Fine, I guess," Susie said, "You?"

"I'm doing fine," Sadie said, "You've meet Y/n?"

"Briefly," Y/n told

"Yeah..." Susie mumbled

"Everything alright?" Y/n asked as they put their hands in their pocket

"Apparently the principal is gonna be calling people on the volleyball team into his office, and I'm kinda nervous about it," Susie told

"What're the meetings for?" Sadie asked

"I... I'm not sure," Susie told, "But the people who've already been in don't... they don't seem the same,"

"Damn it," Y/n mumbled, "You don't think the principal knew what Coach Morgan was doing do you?"

"He did," Susie told, "He didn't do anything since Morgan got us to the nationals,"

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