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A smile was stretched out across Hera's face, her eyes shining with a new sense of happiness. She could feel Robb softly tracing patterns on her naked skin, causing her whole body to tingle. Her eyes fluttered open, meeting Robb's blue eyes. He smiled down at her, before he leaned down and planted a soft kiss on her lips. She smiled against the kiss, savouring the moment as much as she could.

"Good morning," she whispered as she rested her head on his chest. She could hear the steady rythm of his heart beating, and feel the warmth of his skin. They were laying underneath a couple of fur blankets, their legs tangled together. Hera couldn't remember a time when she had felt that happy.

"Good morning," Robb responded in a husky voice from just waking up. He played with her hair, causing a sigh of pleasure to escape her. Her reaction caused him to chuckle softly. "You're so beautiful," he complimented her, admiration in his voice. Hera blushed, allthough a smirk appeared on her face.

"Last night was wonderful," she voiced, gazing up at Robb. He smiled while humming softly, continuing to run his fingers through her hair. "Too bad it can't last."

As soon as the words escaped her mouth, she instantly regretted it, for she felt Robb's body stiffen, and she knew she had ruined the moment. "What do you mean?" he asked her, dissapointment lacing his voice.

She sighed. "You swore an oath to marry one of Lord Frey's daughters." She looked up at Robb, getting shocked when she saw the determined look on his face.

"I don't want to marry a Frey girl."

Hera casted her eyes away from his. "You can't break...."

"Marry me."

She drew in a sharp breath, her eyes snapping up to meet Robb's. Did she hear him correctly? "What?" she gasped.

He grinned, grabbing her face softly in his hands. He gazed deeply into her eyes as he caressed her cheeks, and she almost felt like she was under his spell. "Marry me," he said again. "I don't want to marry any Frey girl, only you."

She shook her head, removing his hands from her face. "You're mad," she stated as she sat up, scooting away from him. "You can't break your oath!"

Robb sat up as well, staring at her in dissapointment. "I would rather break my oath than live a life without love!"

"Plenty of arranged marriages evolve into love!"

Robb sighed deeply, grabbing her hand in his. "You're not listening to me," he softly said. "You are the only one I want to marry, Hera. Not any other woman, only you."

She drew her hand away from his. She quickly found her clothes, putting them on quickly while Robb watched her with sad eyes. "I'm sorry," she breathed out when she was fully dressed. "I can't do this right now." With those words, she nearly ran from the tent, leaving a heartbroken Robb behind. How terrible she felt.

However, it seemed like Robb wouldn't give up that easily. Moments after she had ran away from the tent, Robb hurried out after her, fully dressed.

She briskly walked away from him, keeping her head tucked down, not letting anyone see her distressed expression. She suddenly felt a hand on her shoulder, stopping her from walking. She didn't have to turn around to know it was Robb.

"Hera, please look at me," he begged. She sighed in defeat, slowly turning around. When her green eyes met his blue ones, she felt the air escape her lungs. The sun hit him perfectly, making his blue eyes glitter and his auburn hair shine.

"I am sorry if I frightened you," he apologized sincerely. They were both well aware of the attention they were gaining from the other people in the camp, but neither of them cared.

"You didn't scare me, Robb," Hera responded weakly.

"Just hear me out," he said. "I know you don't want me to break my oath, but the only reason I swore to marry one of Lord Frey's daughters was so we could cross his bridge. We never did, so the deal isn't intact anymore."

Hera bit her lip, looking at him with a look of uncertainty. "Lord Frey still thinks you mean to hold your oath, which you should."

Robb shook his head. "That would be unfair to his daughter. I could never love her the way I love you," Hera sighed, casting her eyes to the ground.  "I know you love me as I love you, and I know that you do not want me to marry her either."

Hera frowned when she realised that he was right. She wanted to be with him more than anything. And what good would it do them to be unhappy and longing for each other?

Hesitantely, she slowly nodded her head.


They got wed the next day. It was a small ceremony, with only them and a maester present. Normally, a septon would lead the ceremony, but they could not get one on such short notice, therefore a maester was their second choice. The wedding was held late at night, when it was dark and no one could disturbe them. It took place in the Godswood, and the only source of light came from torches which were scattered around them.

Hera was wearing a beautiful dark blue gown, with a fur cloak over her shoulders. Because the wedding happened so spontaneously, she didn't have a wedding dress. Her dark hair was braided in a beautiful braid that fell down her back.

"In the sight of the seven I here by seal these two souls, binding them as one for eternity," Robb and Hera joined their hands together, watching as the maester tied their hands together with a ribbon. "Look upon one another and say the words."

Hera and Robb turned to face each other, smiles on both of their faces. Her stomach were going wild with butterflies, and her heart filled with joy.

"Father, smith, warrior, mother, maiden, crone, stranger. I am his/ hers and he/ she is mine, from this day, until the end of my days."

With those words being said, they sealed their marriage with a kiss. A kiss so sweet and full of passion, it made Hera's knees go weak. Under the star- filled skies, their souls became one.

But neither of them could have predicted the horrors that would be the consequences of their marriage.



A/N: Book II is finished!! I'm really excited to start writing book III, and you can definitely expect lots of drama! I'm a big fan of drama myself haha.

If you're wondering, Hera's family follows the faith of the seven, which is why the wedding is a mix between that and the old gods.

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