The Prisoner Project

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"Total paranoia is just total awareness."

- Charles Manson

The Prisoner Project - Job Search and Advertisement.

DATE: 21st September, 2016.

LOCATION: Stockholm Correction Centre for the Damned.

JOB DESCRIPTION: Female. Aged 20 - 40 years old. Candidate is needed to partake in The Prisoner Project. This job would require you to spend a flexible amount of time in a highly controlled interview with an inmate of the prison allocated to you. You have no control over the inmate you are given as this would be decided based on your personality type, background information and first impression.

DURATION: Two Weeks.

START DATE: 26th September, 2016

END DATE: 9th October, 2016.

SALARY: £4,000per session more or less. (Details would be discussed in person, subject to terms and conditions.)

We are aware that the Correction Centre is located far from the city of Stockholm so for the duration of the project, the team will be provide you living accommodation outside the prison walls.

Transportation is not paid for.

The State has promised to take responsibility for all mental, physical or emotional trauma that you could potentially be faced with. You have diplomatic immunity over your irrational decisions during this period - although we expect you to be complacent with the rules and regulations. If you do decide to quit, you will only be paid half the amount that you were declared to receive. This, also, is subject to terms and conditions.


• The application process and research is lengthy, invasive and time-consuming. Do not apply if you are not willing and able to accept the job once it has been offered.

• It is highly advised that you do not apply if you are easily triggered or frightened. Nevertheless, we will be running background checks as you will need to be mentally available for the project, as well as physically.

• Despite the highly controlled interview, you may be subject to unforeseen incidents that may be out of our control. Do not apply if you oppose to these conditions.

• The Prisoner Project Human Resources Department states that you do not apply after today because your emails and/or letters would be rejected on sight.

We wish you the very best.

Signed: Stockholm County Department.

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