Chapter 4: She Belongs With Me

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I sit nervously in my father's office, waiting for him to finish his conversation with Darius.

He said they wouldn't be long. However, the wall clock shows it's been half an hour already. That's a pretty long talk by my standards.

I hate that I forgot to take my purse with me in all of that mess, because now I don't have a cellphone with me and I can't contact Ian. I can always go outside and fetch him, but I somehow want to avoid all the people that might still be there.

On second thought, the majority must have stayed. If normal human manners applied to us as well, then everyone would have left the moment things escalated. Being werewolves, however, we like to stick together in situations like these.

I need to make sure Ian is well, though. So screw it.

As I leave the office and walk down the hallway, immediately, I hear familiar voices coming from downstairs.
It's Darius and my father.

Why haven't I thought of this sooner?

I quietly descend the stairs, following the sounds to our living room.

I approach the door and lean on the closest wall, hoping to hear the entire conversation.

"That is not even an option, Patrick," I recognize my mate's voice. "She is staying with me. Where she belongs." His voice is calm and determined, yet authoritative.

"Belongs?" I suddenly hear an angry male voice. But it isn't my father's. Ian. What is he doing there?

"Yes," my mate replies less calmly now, "belongs. We are mates. I thought you said you were informed on the subject. Because if you aren't," he pauses dreadfully, "I damn sure can educate you."

"There is no need for this, boys," my father jumps in. "We can all agree that soon, no matter what, Lila will do what has to be done. Because she will want to do it. All we are trying to accomplish here is that Darius gives her some time to adjust. A few days, no more."

There are some footsteps and then Darius speaks again. "Do not address me as a boy ever again." His voice freezes blood in the veins. "And second, a few days without her are days I cannot give you. If she wants to live without me, let her tell me that to my face. She's been in front of this door for the past five minutes anyway."

I freeze in place. Shit!

"What?" I hear my father ask and then Darius opens the door. Our eyes meet and I feel devoured again.

"Lila," he nods gently. "Join us, please."

"How did he hear her?" Ian asks my father.

"He didn't," he replies quietly. "They're mates. He can smell her miles away."

"Well he should've said something," Ian states, seeing my anger towards this situation.

"Why? I don't want to have secrets in front of her," he replies matter-of-factly.

Ian approaches me, trying to put his arm over me, but is stopped by my mate before he can touch me.

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