Chapter Ten: Kiss?.

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Luna's eyes widened as she turned her head. The blonde's cheeks darkened as she quickly drew back from him and crossed her arms. Though he quickly followed and pulled her close against him. Zio tenderly rubbed his cheek against her as if he were a cat. Luna jumped back from him; shaking her head nervously as she attempted to pull back from the strange being. "Stop it!"

Zio pressed his hand against her cheek. The male smiled lightly as he leaned close and rested his forehead against Luna's. His sharpened teeth showed through the slits in his mouth. He took a deep breath before wrapping his hand around the back of her head and holding her gently in place, 'I'll keep you safe if you keep me safe, alright?' Zio murred softly as he looked at her. His breathing was soft as he brought his hand up and placed it on her hip, 'I'll lead you back to them, but if they shoot, we're leaving.' Zio huffed before he grabbed her hips and pulled her closer to him. The male acted off about her, and keeping Luna right against him seemed to be the only thing on his mind.

Luna sighed. Fighting him seemed to only make it worse. He had a different aggression about him and truly it frightened her. There was no escaping his grip, and the golden eyed female was learning that very quickly. She turned her attention away from him as he nuzzled into her. The female's heart was racing, "I-I don't want to kiss you again, Zio. We aren't the same."

Zio hissed softly; shaking his head lightly as he pulled Luna over to the bed and shoved her back into the soft cushions. 'You'll have to understand, darling. We are more alike then you'll ever understand.' He climbed up over her. His eyes had drawn into slits as he leaned down placed his hand on her cheek, 'I must lock with you. If you wish to have my eternal protection. I..I can't have anyone else touch you.' He leaned forward and kissed her tenderly. The male slid his long black tongue into her mouth as he pushed her legs upward. Zio was beyond bigger then Luna. Male's clearly dominated female's from where they were from, and it seemed that Zio hadn't in some time.

Luna gasped; she winced as he shoved her back against the bed. The female stumbled as she struggled to sit up and move away from Zio, but his weight overpowered hers and quickly got her shoved back into the bed. She cried out before attempting to kick her legs up against him, but Zio had much more strength then hers, and a clear power over the young female.

Her heart was racing as she struggled against him. Luna let out a shrill cry as his lips locked against hers. She leaned back and shut her eyes tightly; attempting to break herself free from him. "Zio stop!" She gasped out, "Let me go! M-mm.." As he forced himself upon her, Luna felt her legs go numb. Her eyes swelled with tears as she attempted to get out of his restrain. "Let go!" The walls creaked around them; even drawing themselves in around them.

The male lifted his head as he looked about. He took a deep breath before shaking his head. Zio let out a soft clicking noise as he listened for any intruders, 'I can't let them have you.' Zio chirped as he grabbed a hold of Luna's pants. 'You'll understand soon, but please, relax.' The male suddenly began to strip her down; removing all her clothing along with the bag on her back. Zio held her arms above her head with one of his, while the other trailed to remove the button from his own pants that the humans had put him in.

Luna's eyes widened. Her back arched as she attempted to pull from him, "S-stop!" She screamed. "W-What are you doing? Please!" The female was terrified as he began to undo all her clothes; leaving her bare in front of him. Luna's eyes swelled with tears as she kicked her legs forward as she attempted to escape from his grip, but the harder she tried, the more tight his fingers became around her small wrists.

Zio managed to unbutton his jeans. He yanked them down as he pressed himself between Luna's legs. Unlike a human member, his was much larger, but differently shaped. The base ran up thick and it went down into a point. The male's thick member had spiral ridges against it, and was much bigger then the average male's, 'I'll be able to explain later, my queen, but for now this must be done.' He leaned down and kissed her tenderly as he purred. The male pushed roughly between her hips. He leaned down and started to kiss her neck. The male murred softly, 'I have to make you mine.'

"W-why? T-this doesn't have to happen, please, just stop." Her voice quivered with pure fear. The hybrid female began to cry as she struggled against the telepathic beast. She wrapped her fingers around his hand before clawing into it, "A-At least tell me!"

Zio paused for a moment. The male shook his head as he began to grind his body against her. He leaned in and continued to kiss down her neck and shoulder, even biting at it to get the small female to jolt up against his shaft, 'You're letting off to much of a smell.' Zio groaned, 'I can't let them find you. They would kill you if I didn't..ohh..kill them first.' He let a low growl, 'Now relax, this will go quicker that way.' He brought his free hand down before pressing his fingers against her small slit, 'I want to lock with you to keep them away long enough for us to get back to the human's. Our scents, I wish for them to be intertwined.'

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