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The Trio always stayed close as a couple years passed and Brett and Emma had finally moved out together. Bailey would usually come over and visit or crash on their couch to escape from her reality for a bit, until the day finally came.

Brett was standing in the kitchen next to a coffee machine, making coffee. He poured it out filling one cup for himself and then one for Emma, before turning around to walk back into the main room of the apartment. Emma was typing away at a laptop screen as Brett put the coffee mug on the table and sat beside her.

"How close are we?"

"Almost done."

The two of them had stayed up the entire night putting the finishing touches on the book they had worked on together for so long. Emma finally hit the last couple of keys and added the final words before overdramatizing the last button click just like Pigeon used to do. She clicked it adding the final period.

"Done. All we have to do now is send it to the publisher."

"Let me see it for a sec."

He took the laptop off of Emma's lap, as she curled up on the couch holding the coffee mug with both hands sticking out of her oversized sweater and took a sip. Beside her Brett angled the laptop away from her eye line. She leaned up against his shoulder as he typed.

"What are you typing?"

She was confused about what Brett was typing, as she was pretty confident with the results of the book.

"Hold on it's a surprise."

Clearly he was hiding something as Emma reorientates herself on the couch and placed the mug on the table. Brett finished typing and then handed the laptop back to Emma. She scrolled through the book searching for the change.

"I can't find what you added, and I know this book inside out. Nothing's changed."

Looking beside her, Brett gave her a mischievous look. Continuing to scroll through the novel a small pop up window with Bailey on the screen appeared.

"Hey Bailey. We got some exciting news?"

"Did Brett already do it."

Fuel continued to be added to the fire, as Emma was not giving up on finding the addition now that she knew Bailey also might know something.

"Well it was more of a team effort."

"What are you?"

It was no use, she gave up searching through the book leaving the search alone and focused on Bailey. Bailey was confused by Emma not sure what she meant by 'team effort' when Brett nudged Emma's shoulder with a finger pointing straight up. She returned to the search as Bailey's eyes got wide until Emma scrolled all the way up to the title page, something she never really thought about. Stopping on the page she looked at the title.

"Tomorrow's A Different Day by Brett and Emma Lancaster. Wait a minute."

Still confused more then ever she put the laptop down and looked over at Brett. On the laptop Bailey was practically bouncing with excitement, when Emma noticed the small little case he had propped open in his hand with a shining ring set inside it.

"Oh my god, are you serious!"

She covered her mouth in excitement when tears started to form in her eyes.

"Emma. I promised you a long time ago that I would never make you cry, and then I betrayed that promise in high school. After that I swore that I'd never make you cry again, but this is that one exception. Growing up with you was one of the best thing ever and I think the only next step is to continue growing as a family. So Emma will you marry me?"

"Yes, one hundred times yes."

Filled with love, Emma couldn't stop crying tears of joy. Wrapping her arms around Brett before putting her hand out waiting for the ring.

"You can also thank Bailey, she helped pick it out."

"I love it."

Brett slid the ring onto her finger as she stared at it.

"Alright love birds, we'll get together soon."

"Bye Bailey."

On the screen Bailey waved as the pop up screen disappeared, and Emma and Brett kissed each other, closing the laptop in front of them as their new lives were about to begin.

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