Chapter 2

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I turned my phone off. I needed to get everything ready for tonight. Thankfully Garth lives close to my house, so he doesn't have far to walk till he gets here. I grab my school bag and dump everything out of it. I shouldn't be needing these anymore.

I go back to the kitchen and rummage through the plastics cupboard and find an empty bottle. I quickly fill it up, then gently open the cutlery drawer and take out a sharp knife with a blade that is about half the size of my forearm. I tuck it in my belt, make sure it won't stab me when I move around and then run back to my room.

I hide the knife underneath my pillows and I place the water bottle down on my desk. I go into my wardrobe and get out a jacket. I put the jacket on the back of my chair. I check through my bag one more time, making sure that I have enough room to carry as many supplies as I can. Once I am sure that I have everything ready for tonight, I head back to the kitchen.

I go back into the plastics drawer and bring out all the empty water bottles we have. I fill each of them up with water and then place them all in the fridge. There were six in total, including the one in my room, which would not be enough for four people once the water turns off. What we will need to do is to find a place that gets their water from a rainwater tank. Not knowing what else to do, I head back to my room.

I lay down on my bed and I turn on my phone. Scrolling through Facebook, I see everyone is posting about the man who was shot in the chest three times and still walked as if there weren't bullets in him. There were other posts about different incidences from all over the world.

One was of a group of three people eating someone in the middle of the street. The person was filming behind what seemed to be a large garbage can. Trying to get a good shot, the person dropped their phone. You hear them mutter something before they scramble up and run away. Seconds later you see the people running over the phone, knocking over the garbage can in the process.

Another one was of one of those things eating a dog in their backyard. When I saw that one it made me want to puke. All I could think about was the poor dog being eaten. And it makes the situation even worse. Those things could be shot and not be fazed. They could run quite fast. And they eat people and animals.

I started to shake. Maybe this wasn't what I wanted. I know I wanted an apocalypse of some kind to happen. It seemed so cool in the TV shows. But I knew that it was all fake. Now that it's real, I have an unsettling feeling in my stomach. Maybe this plague wasn't going to be fun.

Fighting for my life every day. Constantly being worried about when I would eat or drink next. Where I would stay? Would my friends survive? Would my family survive? Would I survive? I'm not sure if I'm prepared enough to deal with these problems when I can't even look after myself.

I put my phone down and stared at the ceiling. Now I was hoping that it wouldn't happen. What is the chance all my friends and their families would survive? What is the chance my family will survive? What is the chance I will survive? What is the chance that all of this would blow over?

My mind was reeling with questions and trying to come up with answers to calm me down. I had no idea how much time had passed, until my mum came to my room to tell me that dinner was ready. I take my phone and we walk to the kitchen together and I find my brother and dad already there, dishing themselves some food.

The food smelled good. She had cooked us roast lamb with baked potatoes and carrots. I cut off some roast lamb and went to go and put some carrots on my plate when the power cut out. I hear a gasp come from my brother and mum.

"I will go and get us some torches." My dad says before the loud click of him placing his plate on the table rang out.

"Are you two alright?" My mum asked, getting two yes mum's from the both of us.

"Where's Lizzie?" I ask mum, Lizzie is my younger sister, she's fifteen.

"She's out at a friends house. I called her earlier today to tell her that she is to stay at her friends house inside until it all blows over." Mum replies, she must not be happy to have her daughter away from home while this is happening.

I pull my phone out of my pocket and turn on the flash. I brought it up and placed it on the table so the light was facing the ceiling. It gave us a bit of light as we finished off putting food on our plates. We head back into the lounge and at the same time, my dad walks in with three torches, a box of small candles and a lighter.

He puts everything down on the coffee table. We hold up a candle to the flame of the lighter and then go place it somewhere in the room. Once we had lit all the candles, the room had a reasonable light to eat in. My dad went back into the kitchen to finish getting his food before coming into the lounge. We all started eating in silence. The only sound coming from the clinking of our knives and forks on our plates.

Eating in silence wasn't a very fun thing to do. It was a bit awkward seeing as we didn't know what to talk about. I wanted to talk about what was happening outside our house, but I feel like it would upset mum. So, we ate in silence.

Once I had finished my dinner, I went and put my plate on the bench. I grabbed a cup out of the cupboard and tried the tap. Thankfully, the water was still on. Hopefully the power will come back on. I gulped down the water, placing the cup on the bench next to my plate one I finished. I pass the lounge as I walk to my room, quietly thanking my mum for cooking us dinner.

I make it back to my room using my phone torch. I was about to plug my phone in to charge it, but then I remembered that there was a power cut. Taking a nap would be a good way to pass the time. I set an alarm for midnight and put it on the quietest setting before shutting my bedroom door and climbing into bed. No point in changing into my pyjamas if I'm going to get out of bed in five hours.

I lay down on my stomach and put my hand under the pillow. I keep the knife under my hand. Just in case something happens. I close my eyes and try to drift off to sleep.


***Chapter is dedicated to @JamesBond617 because they were the first person to vote and comment on my story! Thank you so much!!***

A/N: Heyyy, sorry that this chapter is a bit boring. This was just a filler chapter. The next chapter we get to meet Garth!

How do you think it will go when Spencer and Garth go outside at night? Do you think they will be safe? Do you think Spencer's parents will find out he went outside? If they do, how do you think they will react?

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