Chapter 1: Recalling

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Chapter 1: Recalling

As Katrina Faber recovery continues, Roat approaches her.
“Ms.Faber.” Roat called

“Do not call me Ms.Faber, Roat what is it.” She responded
Then he fixes his rectangular glasses.

“You have a job to do after your recovery.” He said
“W-What kind of job?” She asked slowly
“Your training of course, since you have lost all your memories, you have to do this again.” Roat answered with a smirk

“Y-You’re so intimidating…” Katrina Faber scoffed at Roat’s smirk
At The Palace garden
Drake bows down his head to a woman who was wearing a long white dress and has a long , silky sky blue hair.

“My leader, we have no choice, but we must restart her training.” Drake said to that woman
“Oh I see… But do not harsh her so much.” The woman said with a smile
“She’s a stubborn than I thought, Grphy.” Drake replied with sigh “Therefore if that is your wish.”
Then she turned her head to him.

“That’s right.” She nodded
Then Drake shook away his head.
“You look so young as ever.” He thought and left
Then Grphy leaned to the fence and looked up at the sky.
“So we have no other choice huh.” She murmured

Then they went back to the clinic where Katrina Faber stays.
At 9:00pm….
She was sightseeing to free and relax her mind.
“Guardian huh…?” She sighed
While Katrina Faber is having fun in sightseeing, Roat guards her.
“…” Roat deeply think

Roat opened up the story book from his bag then he reads quietly…
You will rescue me and give me happiness….
“This girl…” Roat murmured then all the sudden vision snapped out to him.
“W-What the..?!” He exclaimed
He saw a 14 year old girl lying down on the corner resisting all the pain. Then thirty one students continue to discriminate her.
“Hoy, don’t be an asshole!” The one of the student spoke up and hits her head to the wall hard that can release blood.

“GRAAH!” She painfully responded while the other three students shook their heads away because they don’t want to see the pain that she experienced.
“G-GIRL!” He shouted then the vision disappeared quickly like the thin air
“W-What’s wrong?” Katrina Faber asked him worriedly
“Umm… Nothing.” He answered doubtfully

“What kind of vision is that?!” Roat think intensely then he readies his fist.
“Is this some sort of pain will happen to her…?!” Roat think as he turns his head to Faber
“ROAT!” She snapped out
“W-What?!” He responded loudly
“You don’t look alright.” She said

“Oh…Sorry Faber, I’ll go to my office, wait here.” Roat apologized and left
While he was walking in the hallway his face looks heavy.
Then Grphy spotted him all the way.
“Roat, is there something wrong?” Grphy called him calmly
Then Roat turned his head to her.
“Grphy…” He responded
“Roat, I know something’s bothering you.” She said with a smile
“Yes, and I want to talk with it privately.” He replied “Therefore, this must be connected.”
After 20 minutes… At Roat’s office.

“I see.” Grphy replied “I think that must be the message of her.”
“Indeed, but when we should rescue her?” Roat asked
“When the time comes right, Roat, keep this to yourself.” Grphy said seriously
“As you wish.” Roat replied as he bowed his head
“Right now, we must focus Katrina Faber before her memories.” Grphy said then she left immediately
The next day…
“Faber, get up we have conference!” Roat said
“Alright.” Katrina Faber responded as she sits up
After 15 minutes… At the court room

Katrina Faber was shocked
Four guardians’ sat down to their own thrones, but the other throne that was beside Drake was left empty.
“Such h-huge chairs…” Katrina Faber murmured as her jaws opened
Then Roat patted her head and approaches the empty chair.
“R-Roat…” Katrina Faber called silently
When Roat sits down to his throne…
“Let’s get started.” Drake said to the guardians
Then a flash came up to Katrina Faber
Faber got shocked

After a few seconds…
“Eh..?!” Katrina Faber screamed
“M-Mystical creatures…?!” Katrina Faber shouted
“Do not fear Faber, I am Grphy the leader of the guardians, on my right hand is Drake, on my left hand is Seiba.” She introduced
Then Roat introduce the other…

“This is Unama, on my right.” He pointed
“You know… YOU LOOK ALL ANIMALS!!” Katrina Faber said loudly
Grphy is a big dove
Drake is a fire dragon
Roat is a giant goat
Unama is a dolphin
“WHHAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!” She screamed in fright
“Quiet down Faber!” Drake scolded
“Oh sheesh.” Seiba put his hand on his face

“Grphy, I think this is a bad idea!” Roat said it angrily
“No, we only need to guide her, then she’ll understand.” Grphy replied calmly
Unama sighed
“Hold on a minute, why did you call me up to this meeting??!!” Katrina Faber asked with demanded look

“Because we will send you out to a mission!” Drake said with pissed look
“Drake, do not put your anger.” Grphy scolded calmly
“Faber, one of my men will accompany you.” Roat said with a smile
“Eh…? Then what is my mission?” Katrina Faber asked them

“Your mission is to go to the planet Aeos.” Seiba answered
“And save that planet from danger.” Grphy added
“Wait, I’m not interested with that.” Katrina Faber said to them
“If you really want to know yourself then go.” Grphy replied “Besides you will have a clue for yourself.”

“Fine, after that I’ll rest!” Katrina Faber accepted
“Good, you will meet one of our men there on that planet; he’ll be waiting for you.” Seiba said
“Alright, then how will I fight and what is my weapon…?!” Katrina Faber asked

“Heh, you will see that on your drop pod, it’s all set.” Drake answered with a chuckle
“I hope that’s a great sword.” Katrina Faber replied “Then I’ll use my fire to burn them all.”
“Faber, I have a warning, do not push yourself to the limit or you will die.” Grphy warned
“I won’t die,” Faber replied “I will get stronger because of the adventure.”

“We will wait for your success.” Grphy said with a smile
“Go!” Roat ordered
Then Katrina Faber left the court.
“She’s a stubborn girl.” Drake said to Grphy
“You will know it soon.” Grphy replied

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