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It was grade ten, now, and the school dance was in a couple days. Everyone was in a huge kerfuffle; this year, it was mandatory that the girls asked the boys. This, of course, set everyone into a huge panic: girls worried about who to ask, boys worried that no one would ask them. Silliness, really.

Lucy wasn't worried—her and Natsu always went to the dances together.

And she hadn't really thought it about until the school day had ended and she was slowly packing up her backpack at her locker. She frowned, looking at the time; Natsu should've been here already, waiting for her to be ready for their walk home. She hoped he hadn't gotten detention or anything.

So, she'd waited. Pressed her back against the locker, sat on the ground, and waited for him. After another fifteen minutes, he'd finally showed up. He had a goofy smile smeared across his face, a daze in his eyes.

He offered Lucy a hand; she gladly took it, and he pulled her up.

"What's wrong with you?" Lucy asked, narrowing her eyes at him. He looked...different.

He couldn't wipe that dumb grin off of his lips. "Ah, nothin'."

They started to walk. "Tell me," She urged, wondering why he looked so weird.

"You really want to know?"

"Obviously, you doorknob."

They pushed out of the school doors, headed out into the fresh air. It was breezy; the clouds were getting dark, as though it might rain later on.

His voice was funny—happy, but not in his usual way. "Lisanna Strauss asked me to the dance. That's why I was late."

Lucy's steps faltered, and she nearly tripped; she caught herself, taking a quick two steps to catch back up, hoping Natsu hadn't noticed. Her hands subconsciously balled into fists as she gribbed her backpack; her heartbeat picked up. There was noticeable tension in her voice when she spoke. "And you said?"

Natsu snorted. "I said yes, of course. You think I'd turn down an invite by the cutest girl in school?"

Lucy's gaze dropped. For some reason, her legs felt heavier; walking was more of a struggle. "Ah." She took a couple more seconds to spit out her next sentence. "Good for you."

"Yeah." He beamed, which only seemed to make Lucy's chest hurt more. "You ask anyone yet?"

Lucy swallowed. The dance was tomorrow. "No. Not yet."

"Better get on it, lazy."

She didn't respond; she was far too caught up in her own thoughts. Sure, the idea of Natsu going to the dance with Lisanna pissed her off. After all, it was a major inconvenience, now that she had to find her own date. And besides, it sort of sucked that Natsu hadn't upheld their long time tradition of being each other's dates to every dance they'd ever attended.

But was that it? Was that all that made her mad?

Was it the idea of Natsu dancing with another girl? Was it the idea of him walking another girl afterwards? Was it the idea that they might stop on her porch, and he might lean in and kiss her?

Lucy slammed her eyes shut, shaking her head. No. No, of course not. She didn't care about that.

At least, that's what she tried to convince herself.

"You okay, Luce?"

Lucy's head snapped up, eyes flashing to Natsu. "What?"

"You're acting funny," He said, voice dripping with concern. His hand flew up and pressed against her forehead; his skin instantly set her skin aflame. "Woah—you're hot."

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