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Alessa's POV

I've been eating in the same pastry shop for months already but I have never seen the girl in front of me right now. She's busy mopping the floor. She looks very attractive and If I didn't see her wearing a crew uniform, the first thing that would come to my mind is that she's also a customer.

"Hey, are you new here? It's the first time I saw you here" I asked curiously.

"Yes ma'am but I only work part time here that's why you don't see me often" she replied shyly. I noticed that she's blushing and I smiled because she looked cute. 

Since there's not much customer at this time, I decided to talk to her. I skipped class and I'm feeling bored so I decided to go to the pastry shop alone. My boyfriend and I had a fight because of his immaturity and he's too jealous. 

I'm surprised and impressed at the same time that she's already working hard at a young age in order to support her studies. Unlike me, who likes to party and not do anything. I don't usually talk to strangers but there's something in her that got me interested.

Since the day that we first met, I always come to the pastry shop just to talk to her. She's a smart girl so she helps me whenever I have a problem with my math subject. I'm impressed because she knows how to solve my homework even though I'm two years ahead of her. 

As an exchange, I always buy her coffee and cake but she always refuses at first. Her resistance is futile though because I am very persistent. It is my way of helping her as well.

Me and my friends are on a lunchbreak so I decided to bring them to the pastry shop to introduce Ginger to them. I want them to get to closer to her so she'll have a lot of friends because I noticed that she doesn't have much.

"Gin, come here, we are going to order now" She looked hesitant at first but she obliged after I called her for the second time . She's a very shy girl so I cannot blame her hesitation.

"Uhm... What are your orders?" she asked me awkwardly. 

I gently placed my left hand on her shoulder to make her at ease and then I introduced her to everyone. "Guys, I'd like you to meet my new friend. Ginger, she's in 10th grade" 

"Ginger, that is Rema, Alvin, Maya, and Albert" I added while pointing to each of them. All of them smiled at Ginger to acknowledge her.

"Hello" Ginger greeted them shyly before taking everyone's order.

"It seems like you two are really close to each other" Rema commented as soon as Ginger went back to the counter to enter our order.

"She's cute, does she have a boyfriend?" Albert inquired interestedly while gazing at Ginger's direction.

"Dude! She's still in 10th grade so she doesn't have time for people like you" I snapped at him. I don't know why I suddenly felt annoyed by his question. I usually don't give a d*mn to whoever he's interested in.

"Ouch! She's not my type okay? I just complimented her nothing more nothing less. I don't fancy poor girls" they all laughed by what he said. 

I didn't find his joke funny and it only made me angry so I slammed the table to stop them from laughing.

"She may be poor but she's educated and well-mannered. Look at all of you, you're rich and educated but you all lack manners!" I scolded them before walking out of the shop. 

I need to calm myself or else I'm gonna make a scene, and I don't want that because Ginger will be in trouble with her manager. I know that Ginger heard what Albert said and I'm so embarrassed about it.

I decided to wait for her until she finishes her shift to apologize for Albert's behavior. I'm used to him being stupid and brat so I really don't know why I got mad earlier. It's probably because I consider Ginger as a best friend even though we've only known each other for a month.

I bought a cake as an apology to her and I also volunteered to drive her to school to make it up to her. During our trip, my right hand always touches her thigh every time I shift the gear because she took a nap and her legs are leaning towards me.

Her position is uncomfortable but she's too tired to even feel it. If that were me, I'd skip school and just sleep at home. Nothing will come to my mind because I'd be too tired to listen to the lecture. I feel a tingling sensation every time our skin touches. I'm used to my friends hugging me and I don't feel anything but when it comes to her, it's different.

I am now seventeen years old and I admit that I'm not a virgin anymore. My boyfriend took mine when I turned sixteen. My parents don't know anything about it although I'm open with them about my relationships. I'm a party girl, I always attend every single party that my friends organized. I'm a heavy drinker as well at my age, but I don't smoke.

Ginger is different though. She's still naive about everything a person of her age usually does, especially rich kids. I bet she has lots of suitors because she's really pretty. She's just not aware of it.

My eyes averted down to her lips and I gulped because it's very inviting due to its pinkness. My eyes then traveled down to her collarbone. I bit my lower lip afterwards when I realized that my hand was already on her thigh for a while now. Her eyes are still closed and she's very tired to notice what I just did.

This can't be, It is not normal to appreciate every detail of a girls body. I reminded myself mentally before focusing on the road again.

I felt a bit of sadness when I noticed that we're about to arrive at her school. I still want to be with her even though we're not talking. My eyes widened in surprise upon seeing lots of students outside of the gate. The school is small so I'm wondering how all of them would fit.

"Where did the taxes of the people go?" I mumbled while shaking my head in disbelief. I know my family pays a big amount of tax yearly for their business. I woke her up afterwards and I chuckled when she flinched. She's so adorable though her eyes are red because of napping.

"We're here boss," I informed her. She blushed in embarrassment afterwards.

"Sorry, Lessa, I'm so tired I didn't notice I fell asleep"

"Lessa?" I repeated in confusion.

"Ah! Short for Alessa. I need to go, thank you very much" I'm a bit shocked when she leaned closer to give me a peck on my right cheek before getting out of my car. 

I'm surprised by what she did. Good thing that she already left because I'm blushing and grinning at the same time. She clearly has an effect on me.

Great! Way to go Alessa.


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