Chapter 26

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"Carly" I say as she walks up and hugs me

"I am so sorry. I put you guys through this" She says 

"Its fine, youre here" I say

"A car exploded so we turned around and stayed away from everything and we just" Carly says pacing

"Hey, look its fine" I say as she sits down on the bed

"Wow, he let you in his home" She says smiling

And like that she is back.

"Hey" Derek says from behind with Cameron on his side

"Cameron!" I yell hugging him

"We were planning on moving away together" Cameron says looking at Carly "I didnt want to hurt Chad"

"Trust me" Derek says "You didnt hurt him. You made him confused. He was already moved on"

"I know" Carly says

"Then why were you two acting like that?" I say to her

"Because I thought I was pregnant" She says crying

"Why didnt you tell me?" I say hugging her

"I was scared" She says

"Its all over now" I say to her


"Can you believe everything is alright and back to normal?" I say smiling at Derek "I thought I would never see my bestfriend or brother again, Chad would be depressed all his life, " And I stop myself

"And what" He says walking towards me kissing my neck

"Stop" I say scooting him off  "We cant ever have a normal conversation" I say to him

"Why would we need to?" He says pulling me to him

"Because we are..." And I stop myself we arent a couple. And I dont know if he ever wants us to be couple..

"We're what?" He says stopping himself

"We're just friends" I say paining a smile

"We are?" He says confused "I was think more than friends. Like ya know" He says winking and leaving the room

I am yet again so amused and in love with the fact of how sly he thinks he is...


 "I said no Cameron" I hear Carly say inside the bathroom

"Carly she needs to know. Its not fair if she doesnt" Cameron says to her

"It would break her" She says

As if im not already enough.

"Not knowing is breaking her" Cameron says

"I said no Cameron, she will not know about..." She says but Derek comes up behind me and scares me

"Oh hey" I say kissing him

"Hey, I dont think its very polite to listen to other peoples conversations" He says laughing

"Sorry, I dont know what has gotten into me lately" I say smiling at him and he kisses me and walks away.

I just want to know what everyone is hiding..

"Carter" Carly says opening the door from the room her and Cameron were in

"Hey" I say to her as she pulls me outside

"Carly stop" I say as she enters her car

"Get in" She says to me

Of course I get in.

"What is going on?" I ask her as she starts to drive onto the road

"Carter" She says looking at me "There is something everyone is keeping from you

"Ok what is it?" I ask as she turns up the music really loud where I cant hear her speak to me "Carly turn it down" I yell but we cant hear eachother

She rolls every window down and is going at least 65 right now

"CARLY!" I yell trying to stop her

I turn the music down but it doesnt change much from the windows and air outside making me ears hurt.

"CARLY!" I yell pointing at a red light coming up but she is now going 80

"Carter I cant stop !" She says scaring me and not stopping at all or slower down but going faster

"CARLY!" I yell as a cop is now chasing us with his sirens

"Im sorry" She says making a super sharp turn at the light. But three cars end up crashing with the police car

"CARLY!" I yell "YOU ALMOST KILLED US!" I yell as she pulls into an old garage

She stops the car and the garage is dark and I exit the car so angry and scared.

"What the hell" I say as she exits the car too

"Im sorry" She says quitely

"Sorry doesnt cut it" I yell as she starts crying "STOP" I say slapping her

She looks at me with these sad blue eyes

"Im sorry" I say confused with what just happened

"Its fine" She says as I drive us back to Dereks house

"Are you coming in?" She says as I pull up to Dereks

"No, I just need some rest" I say parking her car and driving mine back home


"Hey Carter" Chad says leaning on my front door as I get out of my car

"Hey Chad" I say unlocking the door as we both walk in "Whatup?" I say to him as he sits on a stool in the kitchen and I place my keys on the counter

"I was just checking on everyone" He says

"Yeah" I say "Chad there is something I need to tell you" I say to him

"What is it?" He says as I lean on the counter

"Uh, Carly and Cameron are alive" I say to him as he looks angry but not confused

"Figures, they faked it and just hid for awhile. God they piss me off" He says

"Im a little confused" I say to him

"Nothing, I just I dont know" He says "Im confused with it all too" He says walking out and driving away


Bit confusing? Next chapter will be better! :)

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