Hot Springs!

598 13 0

Thinking = Italics

Underline = Watch Out!

Ecchi = Bold

Everything = Nothing

You've been warned


I love this school...well kinda. I've made so many friends (Mostly boys though) but I don't mind. 

Since I've been doing so well for the past 2 months my friends and I are going to the "Sakura Hot Springs" I hope it's fun!

(Before we start the new guys' names are Reinard, Makoto, Hiroki, and Hibiki)

We all had to go to the plane that Onee-chan had arranged for us. "Uh? Onee-chan did you just do this so everyone could see?" I whispered to her.

"Hahaha!" She yelled proudly "I'm not one to brag" she said flipping her hair. "Hai" I sighed.

After everyone came, people started gathering around and muttering stuff like "Lucky!" "I wonder if I can sneak on there" "I wonder what they're going to do?"

One stranger even came up and asked me "Can I come!?!" Before I had any time to respond Onee-chan yelled "GET OUTTA HERE!! NONE OF YA BUSINESS!!"

People started walking off. "Okay now everyone" Onee-chan said as she held a box of sticks.

"If you take one color as another person you sit with them in the bus, share the same room, and share the bath!" Onee-chan yelled.

I figured there wasn't enough space in the bus and the springs. It was always girls and boys.

Michiru and Reinard, Yui and Makoto, Haruko and Hiroki, Akane and Hibiki, and me and Kuroki.

We all looked at our sticks in disbelief "Why?" Reinard whined "What are you afraid?" Michiru asked. "I-iyee~" He said turning around.

"Well let's get going!" Onee-chan yelled as we got in the bus.

3rd Person

Kuroki was sleeping on Yamana's laps and Yamana was sleeping on the bus chair.

Reinard and Michiru had a gap in the middle of the chair they were sharing in the back.

Yui and Makoto were talking to each other.

Haruko and Hiroki were staring at each other suspiciously.

And Hibiki was driving and Akane was in the front with him.

After they got to the hot springs they split up and went to the springs with a dark aura around them.

Yamana's POV

When we got in the springs locker room we took our clothes off. I wrapped a towel around me but Kuroki went in naked.

"Oi why don't you take off the towel?" Kuroki asked "Why does it matter to you hentai?" I asked.

"I-it doesn't" he said. The spring was outside so that's what we were listening to.

The bath's current was becoming stronger for some reason.

"W-what's happening?" I stuttered. The current so got strong it pushed Kuroki to my chest and he accidentally groped it.


Akane's POV

"Stop squishing my boobs!" Yaya yelled "I'm sorry but the current is to strong!" Kuroki yelled.

"How did the current become so strong?" She asked "I don't know" Kuroki said.

"What is that d!*k doing to my sister" I said with sharp eyes. "Akane-san please calm down" Hibiki said.

"It's hard to take you serious naked" I said "Well you're one to talk you can't even get in the bath without your towel."

I covered my chest "Just be quiet" I commanded. I tripped and my towel came off.

I took the bucket and threw it at his face "Look away!" I yelled.

Michiru's POV

I looked at my chest The others might be lucky the didn't turn out to have a 10-year-old body.

"Michiru is everything alright?" Reinard asked. I nodded and we just relaxed.

Haruko's POV

 I was wearing a towel in the bath it felt kind of weird but I didn't want to take it off. I was kinda close to Hiroki-senpai. 

He came close and squished my breast "So soft" he said. I blushed and then slapped him.

"Gomen Haruko" Hiroki-senpai said "I hate you" I said.

"Huh what's that?" I heard singing.

3rd Person

They all got out of the tub and followed the singing into Yamana and Kuroki's room.

(Play the song)

They all were amazed by the singing but something was off. "Why were Kuroki and Yaya singing? And that song?" Akane asked.

"Oh Akane-san join us" Kuroki said drowsily as he handed Akane the bottle. Guess it won't kill me she thought.

Everyone joined in except Makoto. "You guys will get drunk from that" he said "Not from one little sip" Yui said but she was proven wrong.


In the next chapter- hehe~ can't wait for you to see.

Yamana: It'll be fun (smiles)

Lovely(Me): It will won't it (Smiles pevertly trying not to laugh)

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