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"No one important, look." I instantly deleted the whole messages we had shared. Zion looks at me and shakes his head.

"Are you mad?" I ask and he shakes his head no, his fingers tangling in my hair. "No, not at you baby. I just want to kill him for disrespecting you all those times." I shrug, leaning down.

"He's not worth it, he hurt me, yes but I got over it. I realized I didn't need him. I didn't need to worry and be anxious every time I saw a girl comment on his Instagram...or when he posted things on his Snapchat with so many different girls." I sucked in a breath, giggling.

"Actually, I read this book." I said softly, trailing my fingers on his chest.

"And it opened my eyes and made me cry for two days straight." I said my throat tightening.

"What was it?" Zion asked me gently, rubbing my back. "This girl...she met this boy, well at first she just saw him and the next time they talked, just like me and him. And they would..have sexual relations and she tells him how she loves him and she wants more but he says he couldn't do that. Just like he did and-" I took in a breath.

"I don't want to spoil it but," I giggled. "She got over him. And she found someone better. I forgot that I was waiting for that better, actually." He smiled, grabbing me and pulling me into a kiss.

"Mm, come on. Let's get dressed." He said slapping me on my backside.

I blushed, shaking my head. I rolled off of him and off the bed. "I have to be heading home soon, crap! I forgot my car at the stupid party place." I started grabbing my things quickly and ready to run out the door but Zion caught my arm.

"Hey, hey, hey. You think you can leave the lions den this easily?" He purred, I looked up at him and snorted. Pushing his face away with the palm of my hand.

"You-Zion Woods, are so cheesy." He smirked, "That's what the ladies love, and I caught the most important one." I shook my head, he embraced me. "Don't-hurt me?" I said hesitantly, scared to what he'd do. I felt a deep pit in my chest.

"Why would I hurt something that's apart of me?" He asked, kissing my jaw.

Zeppelin smirked at Zion, as he watched us walk down the stairs. Zion visible stiffened, taking in a breath through his nose sharply. I smiled largely as Zephyr and Zack ran up to me. "Clem! W-what are you doing here so early?!" Zephyr squealed, I smiled, "Good morning to you too, Zephyr." He blushed.

"Good morning!" He chirped, Zack rubbed his face on my leg making me chuckle. "Good morning, Zack. Sleep good guys?" They nodded and Zephyr tapped me. "Y-you didn't answer me." I blushed.

"Oh my gosh, sorry Zephyr. My heads so cloudy when I wake up." He smiles shyly. "I-its okay." I smile. "She needed help, she ate to much candy during Halloween." Zion said, pinching my hip gently as he passed by, kissing the boys' heads.

"Oh, no, Clem! That's not good! I-I wouldn't want you to get S-sick." I coed, "Thank you Zephyr. You're so caring." I compliment and he smiles.

Zeppelin strolls up as Zion glared at him cautiously. I was shoved into one of Zion's sweaters and some tight spandex shorts he had for spirit day from years ago. I had forced him to show me pictures and it was way worth it.

"So, Zephyr and Zack told me a lot about you." Zack tugs the sweater, a sign that he wanted to pick me up. Zeppelin smirks, "It seems like you're a favorite around here?" I chuckle shyly. "I would hope so. I'm Clem sorry I didn't get to say that earlier, I'm sorry-" He laughs shaking his head. He looks over his shoulder at Zion, "This one is something you've never brought around."

He looks back at me and takes my hand. "Zeppelin Woods."

"Alright, that's good enough. Come on guys we're gonna take Clem to her car." Zack leaned his head against my shoulder groaning and whining. I giggled, "I'll be back, Zack. Pinky promise." Zeppelin snickered. "You'll be seeing a lot of her trust me, and Zion I can watch them." Zion laughed in his face, already putting Zephyr in his jacket and shoes.

"Very fucking funny, Zeppelin. Clementine lets go," I stop, the look on Zeppelins face hurting me.

"Zion why can't Zeppelin just watch them...the place isn't that far from your house." He gave me a death glare and I looked away.

"Thanks Clementine but he doesn't trust me...he doesn't trust anyone." I open my mouth but he's already walking up the stairs. "Clementine, I'm done lets go." I sigh and walk out towards the door looking down at Zack who looked back at me.

I smirk, "What." He gave me a smirk back. "You need breakfast. Or did you eat already?" He nodded. "Did Zeppelin make it for you?" He nodded. I look to Zion as he grabbed Zack and put him in his little car seat. He scoffed, "Clementine you don't understand how manipulative my brother and parents are." He said as we hopped into the car.

"I know how manipulative people work but he said he was gone in rehab for six months because of that girl he was talking about. Give him just a small little chance, just a little opening-" He cuts me off with a stern no.

He squeezed my knee, "Clementine I-" I give him a look, "No!" I yelled. "Please, don't. I feel bad, I don't like when people pressure me into trying to think differently I don't want to make you do anything you're not ready for. I'm sorry." Zion shakes his head, chuckling. He kisses my hand, "Stop saying sorry." He told me, his lips pressed against my hand as he smiled.

"Well if I mean it I say it." I tell him playfully.

He rolls his eyes, playfully tossing my hand back on my lap. "Whatever." I narrow my eyes on him and poke him. I look back at the kids, "What are you guys gonna do today?" I ask and Zack shrugs, Zephyr fell back asleep.

"Zack, what will it take for you to say something to me?" He smirked and slyly shrugged. Zion laughed, looking at Zack's face in the mirror. I stuck my tongue out on him causing him to giggle.

I sat back down in my seat as Zion slowly came to a stop in front of the club we were at a night ago.

I smiled at him, "Thank you, very much." I said giddily. I haven't felt this in forever and my face was blushing so hard. He leaned in closer, "You're very welcome, Clementine Reeves." I rolled my eyes playfully, looking back at Zack my knees pressed in the car chair.

"Bye Zack, tell Zephyr I said I hope he has a good day." He nods and waves bye, I look back to Zion and he gives me a cheeky smirk. I slide out the car and close the door walking to my own.

I start my own up and press my head against the steering wheel, letting out a scream.

Hello! Hope you who read this book enjoy the double update!

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