chapter 10

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Everyone turned around looking at me and i felt my skin burn and i turned around to look at some sket named brittany

That's right i know her

'What the fuck' i yelled

'Stay away from them luna' she said and i smiled and when she smiled back i punched her face so damn hard she fell

'HOLY SHIT' she yelled

'You fuck off you dumb bitch' i said

'Hm that's now what your dad said last night oh wait he's dead like your whole family' she hissed and all I saw was fucking red

'Oh no you didn't' i hissed and i went up to her and punched her face and kept doing it again until she moved out the way and i punched the floor and i got angrier

As I got angrier my punches got harder until i was pulled off

'NO AIDEN BACK OFF I'LL KILL HER AIDEN YOU BASTARD' I yelled as him and Lucas took me out and i pushed them away and I walked off and took my shirt off and went to the girls changing room and put on a shirt and then when I walked off i went past the boys

'Let her go she needs to cool down' i heard cole and i walked to the back and i saw the gate broken so i went over it and saw it lead to the town centre

Well i can at least go home


Fuck it aidens gonna come up knocking on my door dragging my ass to school

I started walking and just kept going until my phone rang and it was a message from Aiden

How did he get my number

Forget it i dont want to talk to anyone

I slowly started making my way up to a cliff and then I realised it was almost sunset

Oh dayum I've been out for long

Oh well

I sat on the edge and i just looked at the sky until i heard someone cough and then sit next to me

'What do you want Aiden and how did you find me' i said

'There's a tracker on your phone' he said

Well shit.....

I stole the gang leaders phone Where stories live. Discover now