Chapter 47

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I pull up to Jana's house and text her that I'm here. While waiting I glance up at the sky, hoping it snows like the news said it would. The heat is blasted and the windows are fogged, and it's beginning to feel like winter.

Jana knocks on the window and I unlock the door. She slips in and shuts it immediately behind her, almost on her foot. "Jeez it's cold out there," she says while pulling on her seat belt. "Watts better have the fire going."

I pull onto the road. "So this isn't some big Christmas party like you said before, right?"

"No, this one's just close friends."

"Good. After Harrison's party, I need a break." Jana stays quiet and I glance over to her. "You okay?"

She nods, her cheeks red. "Yeah, I'm fine. It's just—well I'm sorry that things didn't work out. It must, well, it must suck."

"It does," I say honestly, turning onto the main road. "He won. Harrison won. And he will continue to win until I get out of that damn school, but I need to let it go. I'm not going to focus on the bad right now, only the good."

"So mostly Daniel?"

I roll my eyes. "So is James going to be there?"

"Yeah. I'm so excited for everyone to officially find out that we're a couple." Jana's face lights up. "He's already there, and he said he's got a seat for me right next to the fireplace," she reads off of her phone, currently texting him. "God he's so cute. Oh, he's roasting me a marshmallow!"

"Inside?" I glance over again.

"Fire's fire."

I park by the curb as I usually do, and I'm happy to see few cars along the street. Sometimes Jana and I have a different definition of 'small party.' As we walk up to the door, I spot Daniels car and I grow giddy, my heart squeezing and racing and jumping. It's weird to think that the last time we were at Watts', Daniel figured out my secret.

I remember that night when he drove me home and wandered into my room. When he kissed me and when I snuck him out not so stealthily. It makes me smile now.

We walk in and make our way to the living room, where all the commotion is. My eyes promptly go to the fireplace, then to Jana as she sits beside James, then to Taylor and Jordan, then to Watts as he gulps down a mixture of stuff, then to Daniel. He's sitting in a large leather chair, facing the fire. I walk over to him. "Hi."

"Hi," Daniel says back and I can't help but smile. He motions for me to sit with him, so I try to squeeze beside him but end up on his lap with my legs hanging over the armrest.

"Am I too heavy?"

"Like a feather," he says and I roll my eyes for the second time.

I rest my head on his shoulder. "You're like Santa."

"What do you want for Christmas?"

The USB drive. "How about a kiss?"

Daniel leans into my lips, but I quickly shift away. "I meant on the cheek, Santa. You're getting a little ahead of yourself."

Daniel snakes his arm around my back, his hand holding me in place. "I can't help myself," he murmurs. "How are you feeling? Better?"

"It's not fair, but I'm trying."

Daniel soothingly rubs my back. "Do you know what I want for Christmas?"


His eyes find mine, and they don't turn away. "For you to stay."

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