Chapter Thirty

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I pulled away from him forcefully. He didn't move whereas I took a couple of large steps back away from him to regain my balance.

Robyn gave a cold smile. "You were magnificent, dear."

I looked at Damien's uncle. He could have easily been mistaken for his brother. He didn't look older than Damien himself.

I recognized him, the same man who had held me by the neck in my dreams and squeezed so hard that it woke me. The same man who in my dreams and memory had cowered in the rain, cradling his missing arm. He still had the same striking eyes.

His eyes were the blue right dawn just before the sun would rise. I didn't think such a color was possible. His dark hair was long in the front and would fall over his eyes, his features flawless. I could see the resemblance between him and Damien along the lips and jaws. They both had the same strong jaw and smile.

I wanted to fight, wanted to strike him but stood frozen in place hugging my arms against the cold that was spreading through me.

Fae were dead. They were dead because of me.

I watched him as he watched me, my eyes resting on the arm that had held me in place before. The arm that night after night I'd seen Damien's father slice right off.

He somehow was able to replace it with smoke. Which was what it looked like. It was smoke encased in the form of an arm. It shouldn't have been solid but was, it held my hand firmly in place as he watched me.


His eyes gleamed. "Magic. I will show how to use your own soon. We will make quite the pair, you and I."

Fury ignited in me. "There is no 'you and I'."

He laughed. "Not right now but it's only a matter of time. Until then, please make yourself comfortable."

He disappeared from the room leaving me alone.

The room was large and ornate but not as grand as the rooms I'd gotten used to where Damien lived.

The floor was marble reflecting the golden grand chandelier in the room. The walls were like ivory, golden, beautiful even in the small amount of candlelight illuminated by the chandelier in the room.

In the middle of it all was a large bed with golden spirals for posts rather than the dark wood from the ones in the castle.

It was gorgeous.

I recognized a large dresser in the room sitting next to a small vanity. Next to the vanity were large glass windows that overlooked a giant dark forest.

Nighttime settled over the forest and surrounding mountains. Nothing was illuminated within it - not a single source of light. It was lonely.

I tried to pry the windows open but couldn't, finally giving up when I had beads of sweat all over making the dress stick to me.

I grabbed a heavy brass candlestick and threw it, trying to shatter the glass. The candlestick bounced back as if I'd thrown it hard against a trampoline. It made a loud clanking sound as it fell on the hard marble floor.

I screamed as loud as I could, banging on the windows to no avail.

We were in a lonely manor in the mountains. Without anything in the distance to indicate that there was a city or a small town nearby.

I looked at my hands. Somehow I was able to do magic before at the party. Could it help me now?

I placed my hands on the cool glass and closed my eyes, focusing whatever I could to my hands.

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