Twenty Six

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I could feel my heart thundering in my chest as I stared at all three of the boys. An odd sense of deja vu washed over me as I realized we'd been in this situation once before. That was when I noticed a folder full of papers in Alexei's hands, which he was holding in a death grip. I saw Ivan briefly glance at the file in Alexei's hands with an uncertain expression on his face.

"What's in the file," I asked quietly, expecting no reply. After all, these three seemed to enjoy keeping me in the dark. The thought was bitter and I fought to cast it away. 

"It's what we wanted to talk to you about," said Alexei, before handing over the file. Inside were sheets of paper and various documents addressed to people I didn't recognize. My brows furrowed in confusion, wondering if they were just distracting me from the situation at hand.

"What is this," I asked, looking up. I saw with surprise a bit of light enter Ivan's eyes as he began talking. In the most boyish way possible, he began to ramble, the excitement evident. Never had he looked more young or excited than he did now. 

"It's the plans I've made for when I take over the gang when I turn 18. I want to make it better, that world, and shut down all our underworld connections or use them to destroy other gangs we have connections to," he spoke feverishly before abruptly stopping, the light dying out. I think my mouth was gaping open in shock. I hadn't stopped to consider for even a second that Ivan would want to take over the gang, that he might want to change that world. He was just a 17-year-old boy though. Wasn't there a bigger chance that that world would destroy him? My worry for all three of them in that moment was a jarring reminder of just how much I cared. 

"But Ivan you're just a boy. How can you," I started but he cut me off with a wave of his hand. 

"You asked me to stop treating you like a child, and I expect you to do the same for me. I can do this Roe. I was raised in this world. I'm meant to change it, along with these two," he said, gesturing to Alexei and Mikhail who were only looking at me. I couldn't help but think how childish he sounded, like a little boy wanting to be a superhero. But I couldn't change his mind. Were they actually asking for my permission? It was their choice at the end. If they were happy with this then I had no right to stop them, even if it made me sick to think of the three of them in danger.

I looked at all three of them and noticed their fire. This wasn't a matter of just changing their world. This was about revenge, for Alexei's eyes, for whatever hell they'd put Mikhail through, for whatever pain they'd seen and endured all these years and couldn't put an end to. Hell, I couldn't stop them if I tried. It wouldn't be right. 

"If this is what you want, then I won't stop you. Just promise me you won't get yourselves killed," I said, my voice trembling slightly at the thought of their deaths. Alexei stepped forward, his hand reaching out to clasp mine before bringing it up to his lips. He brushed a feather-light kiss across my knuckles. My breathing stopped entirely as he kept his eyes on my face the whole time before whispering a single word in a quiet, husky voice.


There was a light drizzle in the air so I chose to wrap myself in Mikhail's jacket, which he'd left behind at my house during one of his many visits. It had been a week since Ivan had announced his plans of taking over the gang and I'd never seen him as happy as he'd been this past week, along with Mikhail and Alexei as well. They were out most of the day. The past two days they'd dropped by just to sleep and today, they decided to stay at home since they'd only crashed last night at around one. 

As I approached the building, I noticed Violet standing under the banyan tree we usually met at and as usual, I felt the blush make its way across my cheeks. I hadn't told her about the kiss yet and so when I blushed, she only looked at me like I'd lost my mind. I'd been waiting for the proper moment to tell her and to have another conversation as well. I suppose with Troy nowhere in sight, now would be a perfect time.

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