Chapter Eleven.

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I sat up against the headboard of my bed thinking about the kiss I shared with Ryder. I never knew one kiss could leave me so puzzled, wondering what to make of it. I don't know what this means, do I like him? Does he like me? So many questions left unanswered. I sigh and shake my head wanting to rid myself of all of this. After he confessed that I apparently make him weak I remember scoffing and leaving. I make him weak? If I'm not wrong all these years he's been the one in control, he is the person who dominates me.

How in the hell could I hate him but possibly think about him in any romantic way? Why did I once resent him but now almost yearn for his attention? My phone buzzes and I see that Bri sent me the location of the café we're supposed to meet at. I in no way wanted to leave my house today but I will never refuse to spend anytime with Bri. I haven't told her what happened, not because I don't want to but honestly because saying it out loud will make me acknowledge it actually happened. That it wasn't a fever dream. Admitting it out loud meant I'd have to open doors that I don't want to enter, for my sanity.

I put my phone, keys and wallet into the pockets of my hoodie. Going downstairs I clattered my teeth, it was really cold and I hoped I didn't make the wrong decision by wearing these flared leggings. I looked around for mum until I realised she had gone next door to gossip with miss Collins. She was a sweet lady in her mid forties but when it came to gossip and drama she was the number one person to go to.

And I believe my dad had gone to an important meeting with none other than Mr. Costello. How ironic and convenient it is that my dad does business with my bully, or enemy. They're both pretty much the same.

Informing mum with a text that I was leaving I close the front door and get into my car. I shivered wrapping my arms around myself and put the location of the café into my phone. The drive was nice but my thoughts were evaded by the happenings of yesterday. I hated it, I hated having these thoughts, they made me feel things I didn't want to feel, it also didn't help that I couldn't make out what these feelings were. Once I got to my destination I parked up and sat for a couple minutes resetting my mind and taking deep breaths. I walked in and skimmed my eyes over the place stopping my gaze and I see Bri in a brightly lit corner with a drink, most likely a hazelnut latte. Sitting down I let out a bunch of air and sunk into my seat. "Oh girl...what's wrong?" She says taking both of my hands in hers giving them a comforting squeeze.

"Please don't freak out but long story short... me and Ryder kissed." I say, delaying my speech as much as I could. There it was, the open admission of my kiss. Oh god, it did happen, and I don't know what to do. Bri's jaw drops, eyes widen and mouth gapes.

"Ryder- as in Ryder Costello that prick! How?" She asks in shock. I squeeze my eyes shut and wave my head up and down in shame.

"I don't know how it all happened, I'm just- Bri I dont know what to do." I say inhaling a deep breath, emotions were getting the better of me and I'm overwhelmed.

"Come on lets get you a drink and some food. You can tell me slowly babe, dont be embarrassed okay." She gives my hands another squeeze and waves over a waitress. Bri orders my favourite things and I smile at her thankful for having a sister like her. Malia our waitress brings over our food quick and I take a few bites of my pasta and sip on my iced tea. Sitting up I rub my hands and nod at Bri. "Lay it all out, what happened babe?"

"So I went over yesterday to work on our project. We were sitting down and I was just looking at him." She raises her brows and I blush a little. "Can you blame me? He's pretty! even if he's rude." I defend myself and she chuckles.

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