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And So It Begins....

The Kingdom of Corentha, 2000 years ago

The subtle fragrance of orchids wafted through the hall growing stronger as I drew closer to the Throne Room. Apprehension clung to me, a dragging weight on my every step.

A storm brewed behind my moss-colored eyes as I recalled how elated the maid in the courtyard had been as she informed us that she had decorated the throne room for Princess Iris' wedding that morning.

The sound of cheers that went up from the soldiers surrounding me contradicted the horror filled gasp that left me.

I was sure that I had heard incorrectly but the smiles and hails to the new king and queen that surrounded me were like nails to my heart reaffirming that I had heard correctly. Without thought I pushed through the crowd of men with one intent on my mind. To find my mate.

The consequences for leaving my post was nothing more than a distant thought that flitted away as quickly as it crossed my mind. If Iris, my Iris, was getting married I needed to see for myself. I was her mate and only a few hours ago she had laid in my arms and told me that she was pregnant with my baby.

We had made plans to run away together she was going to give up the throne but now...Now she was to be married?!

Denial rang through me it was impossible, She would never betray me this way. I was almost to my destination when my keen hearing picked up the sound of the ceremonious trumpets behind the large solid silver and red doors ahead.

I was steps away from the doors when they flung open with a flourish, and a scarlet floor length tulle ball gown swept over the entrance. Caught off guard, I followed my warrior's instincts and immediately backed away and gathered the shadows of the hallway to hide me. It was a simple trick every vampire destined for the army learned at a young age.

I watched with growing dread as over the threshold stepped a head of auburn hair in an intricate up-do with a few loose strands of hair framing a heart-shaped face with twinkling blue eyes and a smattering of freckles across a small button nose.

Blood red rubies dripped from her ears and neck portraying an elegance only attributable to royalty. There was no denying it anymore the woman standing before me, arms linked with his Grace Gitto Bernadotte, was my mate. Gitto was clothed similarly to Iris with just as much splendor and elegance and on his head a King's crown. Quickly darting my eyes back to Iris I discover the same crown on her head.

The blood from my recent feed rushed up the full length of my body sending my slow beating heart into a gallop. Icy winds of delirious anger, insanity, and torment swept over me as I watched them smile and bow completing the last rite of passage that would lead them to the throne. The ache in my heart intensified as they turned as one and walked back towards the throne room to take their place as the new King and Queen of the vampire race.

I opened my mouth to scream in defiance, but a crippling pain surged over me forcing me to my knees and to lose my grip on the shadows making me visible. I was barely coherent with the tidal waves of pain that continuously crashed through me but I managed to look up when gasps sounded a few feet ahead of me. It was Iris, she had crumbled to the floor experiencing the same pain I was. Even though neither one of us had said the words to bind us together as mates for eternity out loud somehow, we had been bound and in marrying Gitto, Iris had ripped apart the bond meant to keep us together.

The pain spanned for no more than a minute leaving a dull feeling of emptiness in its place. We were no longer mates, drawing a deep breath, I climbed to my feet just as her husband helped her up and our eyes met and locked. In hers, there was a flash of happiness, agony, bewilderment, and then, finally, disgust.

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