Shippuden Chapter 4

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Shikamaru stared blankly ahead – completely uninterested in the negotiations a few yard from him. He was sitting on the ground with his legs crossed and his face resting on his hand. His eyes were half lidded and all he could think about is all the time he was wasting when he could be napping.

"Urggg!" Naruto groaned, ruffling his hair in frustration, "I'm going to die of boredom!"

Sakura's eye twitched dangerously before thinking, "I can't handle it anymore! Three days! Three mind numbing days of listening to Naruto moan and groan, and I can't handle it anymore!" Sakura's green eyes settled on the back of Kanoko, who sat several yards away from them at the negotiation table. Sakura gritted her teeth, "How come I always get stuck on Naruto duty?!"

Naruto flopped on his back with a loud thump, "THIS IS TORTURE!"

"I'll show you torture!" Sakura thought as her head slowly rotating around, "Naaaruuuuutooooooo!"

Dark energy filled the area, causing Naruto to sit up quickly with wide eyes. "Ack!" Naruto squawked out as he scurried backwards from his pink haired teammate. The blond went white as he placed his hands protectively in front of himself before pleading loudly, "Ahh! Sakura-chan! What'd I do?!"

"Shh!" Tenten quickly hushed at the two of them, "Neji's giving us the evil eye!"

Shikamaru lazily opened one eye to look ahead in the direction the negotiations were taking place. Shikamaru sighed tiredly at the sight. Sure enough, Neji had twisted his upper body around to glare intently at them – promising death regardless of present company.

Lee quickly stood up with a huge smile on his face, "You are incorrect, dear Tenten! I have seen that look many times on my ever youthful rival's face! It means battle is about to begin!"

Shikamaru smack his head into his palm, "Only Lee would interpret a death threat as an act of friendly sparring..."

Tenten quickly yanked her teammate down and hushed him as well.

Turning his head to the sound of light crunching, Shikamaru gave a quick look to his two teammates. Chouji was quietly eating one of his snacks with his eyes focused on the night sky above while Ino seemed to be focused on Sakura and Naruto – probably weighing the pros and cons of letting Sakura kill her teammate.

Sighing again, Shikamaru turned his eyes back to the spot ahead where the negotiations were taking place. The elder Nara twin looked at his sister's back with a tired expression, "As annoying as these guys are, at least I don't have to hear Neji and Temari bicker like two old housewives..."




Kanoko felt another headache coming on, causing her to rub the bridge of her nose in frustration. Kanoko groaned slightly before speaking, "Leave it Neji. Their nerves are just getting the better of them."

The Hyuuga scoffed as he turned back around, "It's completely unprofessional and downright disrespectful." Neji crossed his arms as he gave Kanoko a side glare, "This is completely your fault."

Kanoko raised an eyebrow before tiredly responding, "Is that so?"

Neji scoffed again, "You'd let them get away with murder if they so much as shot you a puppy eyed look."

Kanoko just closed her eyes – refusing to acknowledge or argue with Neji. It was neither the time nor place.

Temari broke out in a deep, booming laughter at the two of them, "Is that all it takes to best the mighty Nara Kanoko?" Temari sent Kanoko a cocky smirk, "Didn't think you were so soft."

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