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"You and your friends have caused me much trouble," Ishikawa said in a voice a few decibels above a growl. He circled around behind Jake and Tony to block their avenue of escape.

"I remember you from Orlando," Jake said, blood pressure rising, kindling a fire in his knife-like eyes.

"You should have been more careful and made sure someone didn't follow you." Ishikawa spotted Sarah's laptop on the coffee table. "The files, Mr. Soloman? Or should I ask Mr. Cruze for them since he broke into Zanderthal's office?"

"We don't have them."

"You think I'm stupid?"

"Just give up the flash drive," Kevin said. "Nobody has to get hurt."

With rage boiling within him, Jake locked eyes with the man who used to be his friend. He wanted to deck him. "What I mean is... we have already e-mailed a copy to Sea Lab headquarters. Your boss's operation is finished."

"If you're telling truth, you are dead," Ishikawa said. "I considered letting you live... if you handed over information."

"He's lying," Tony whispered.

"We haven't sent the files yet," Sarah said, standing next to the couch and Ishikawa's henchman. "I didn't have a chance. Give him the flash drive."

Jake stared at her, knowing the truth, that she had already emailed the information to Cat and Hardy.

"It's not worth our lives," she said, then aimed a submissive glance at the assassin. "If we tell you everything we know, will you let us go?"

"Of course," Ishikawa said. The blank look on his face would have made him a lot of money at a Las Vegas casino. He nodded to his assistant, who patted Sarah down as he watched.

Jake lurched forward, hoping to catch them off guard, but Ishikawa was too close and ready. The big man kicked him in the back of the leg at knee level, causing him to falter. Without hesitation, Ishikawa followed the blow with another kick to the back of the other leg, and Jake collapsed onto the teak hardwood floor.

On his knees, he witnessed Ishikawa's helper step away from Sarah. The man had a quality that made you think he was born in the Australian outback. With a bronzed face and blond hair that touched his collar, he approached Tony, shoved him against the wall and started checking his pockets.

"Got something," the man said. He dug out the memory stick and tossed it in the air.

Ishikawa caught the flash drive and pocketed it. "Now, let's go for walk."

Sarah bent over, put her mouth to Jake's ear and helped him to his feet. "I thought going along with his demands might buy us more time."

Ishikawa turned his head, ear cocked in their direction. "It did, but not much." He waved his gun at the door. "Let's go. Now!"

The two men herded Jake, Tony, and Sarah into the elevator, trailed by Kevin, and when the doors opened, the group cut through the first floor lobby with Ishikawa's gun jammed into Sarah's side, covered by his suit jacket. Kevin and the other man remained a few steps behind Jake and Tony as they walked.

Ishikawa nodded to the attendant at the front desk, and then they breezed through the front entrance into the humid night air. He led them across York Street where another black Mercedes-Benz occupied a parking place in front of the Audi. Jake had left the rental car there so it would be easy to get to it in the event they needed to escape in a hurry. They never had a chance.

"Mr. Zanderthal was unhappy with what you did to limousine," Ishikawa said. "We are fortunate it was not his only one. We have fleet of them."

Jake glared at the assassin, but didn't say a word. Hope of escape still churned inside him because Ishikawa's cohort hadn't patted him down earlier. If the man would have taken the time, he would have found a cell phone in Jake's pants pocket. At some point, he might use it to call for help.

Ishikawa turned to his assistant. "Take Mr. Solomon and Mr. Cruze in the Audi. Zanderthal has other plans for Ms. Lawson."

Jake stiffened at the remark. "You'll pay if you touch her."

The assistant whacked him on the back of the head with something hard. A gun, maybe? Jake fell to his knees, wincing from the radiating pain, lights streaking across his vision. Fortunately, it cleared after a few seconds and he looked up with resolve. "We know all about Zanderthal and Ocean Blue's illegal operations."

Ishikawa remained stoic and reserved. "That's why you are going to die, Mr. Soloman." The big man forced Sarah into the limo's backseat and shut the door. Then he turned to his assistant. "Dispose of them in discreet manner. I'll take Ms. Lawson to Zanderthal."

The assistant shoved Jake into the passenger seat, keeping his gun trained on them as Tony got behind the wheel. The man ducked into the backseat.

Jake turned his attention to the limo. As it drove off with Sarah, he wondered if he'd live long enough to save her this time. It tore at his heart and wrenched his gut. He'd never felt so helpless. But fear for her life wasn't the only emotion overwhelming his mind. A stab of betrayal cut deep at the sight of Kevin seated beside Ishikawa in the limo's front passenger seat.

Jake looked back at his nameless captor in the Audi's rear seat, trying to think of something, anything, to change the script on their drive to certain death. "He's had a few beers tonight. Maybe I should―"

"Shut your mouth. I'm the one giving the orders." The assistant pointed the pistol at Tony's head and snarled. "Drive."

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