Plan in Motion

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Adrian's POV

"So what is this about?" mum asks as we all sit in dad's office the following morning. Luke and Leia were at feline daycare playing with the other cubs. While her, Dad and I are in his office to discuss my mate being treated like a common animal.

"Yesterday when I took Leia and Luke to the zoo, we saw a tiger shifter in an enclosure. She's been there since she was a cub taken from her family. But she is also my mate and they plan to use her in their breeding program" I growl at the end.

"Relax son, we'll get her out and away from there" dad assures me.

"Here's the number of the zoos owner, her name's Terri" I say handing it to him. "We have two months minimum to get her out dad. I won't have her mate was some feral tiger" I tell him.

"There's something else you left out Adrian" mum states looking at me with knowing eyes. "The zoo would not just take a cub away from the wild and their family without a reason. What was the reason?" she asks.

"She is deaf and could not here her mothers calls, the father was not present. And a storm was approaching. The mother had other cubs to look after also and couldn't carry my mate while watching the others. So she (the mother) abandoned her to save the others" I explain angered.

"Understandable, if only she'd survive to shift then she would of lived a normal life. Even though she is deaf" Dad states. "I'll get the best teachers to educate her and teach her sign language" he assures me.

"But how can we save the shifter?" mum asks him. "She's in a human zoo and has been practically all her life. No doubt a prime female, the zoo won't give her up easily" she states.

"True, but if money doesn't work there are other ways" dad reminds her.

"Then we'd have to leave the country" I tell him.

"True, but we have been thinking of moving back to the main castle. This is suppose to be a holiday castle" mum tells me.

"Look I'll call Terri, was it?"  Dad asks and i nod my head. "If I can't persuade her in a week to sell me your mate. Then I'll get Striker on the job" he tells me.

"What is her name any way?" mum asks.

"Delia, her name is Delia" I tell the smiling and then notice dad in deep thought. "What is it father?" I ask.

"Just remember Lady Amelia lost her only daughter five years ago" he states.

"She's the one with the three boys right?" I ask.

"Yes, lovely woman" mum says smiling. "So you think Delia is her lost daughter?" she asks dad.

"She's the right age and no body was ever found after the storm. Amelia sound so herself, her family was being watched by humans. Who thought they were normal tigers" dad explains.

"So we could of found the lost Lady Anastasia?" I ask realizing who they were speaking about.

"We might have, but we won't know until she shifts into her human form" dad states.

"I won't tell Amelia anything, encase we are wrong" mum tells dad.

"I agree, but no matter the case we have to act quickly" dad tells us. "Adrian you handle your contact in the zoo, while I speak to Terri" he instructs. "Remember a week and if there's no cigar, I'll call Striker in. But I will notify him before hand just so he is ready to go" he adds.

"Sounds good dad, I'll call Jack as he is Delia's head keeper and also wants her free" I tell him.

"Good man, Ellie why don't you call Terri now while I contact Striker and Adrian can call Jack" dad suggests. We agree and call our separate targets. By the time I finished talking to Jack I see dad on mum's phone. I look at mum who mouths 'Terri' and I nod my head.

"Yes, I'll be over this evening with my wife to discuss the matter" dad tells the person. "Yes, have a good day" dad states hanging up. Before turning to us and says "the plan is in motion". I leave the office with mum who goes to see Leia and Luke. While I go to my room to day dream about my mate. Dad stayed in his office to do king's work and to brief Striker when he arrived this afternoon about my mates situation.

Striker is I person for secret operations and has never been caught as he is amazing at covering his tracks. He has the best on his strike team that he assembled himself. So if we have to steal Delia from the zoo, Striker is the one to do it. He is my dad's best friend and if we ran like wolves would be Beta. I just hope we can get this done without Delia being hurt or used to breed.


Picture above of Adrian's mother and picture on the external link of his father.

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