VIII- We're Werewolves

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When Tai arrived at the pack house Kal and Kimberly were waiting outside. Indianna has already alerted them.

"What happened?" Kimberly demanded and helped Indianna out of the car. She sent a not so pleasant look to Tai, but nodded in thanks.

"I... I got pushed and I landed on the baby," Indianna whimpered.

"Oh no," Kimberly whispered. "Kal stop staring, you idiot, help her inside!"

"I thought that's what you were doing," Kal argued and he went round to the other side of Indianna and guided her into the house.

Kimberly looked back at Tai and raised her eyebrows at her. "I guess you can come in, just don't touch anything," she said and then focused her attention back to Indianna.

Tai pulled a face at Kimberly and stuck her middle finger up at her, but slowly followed them into the house. She would've rather gone home, but she thought she'd stay and make sure Indianna was okay.

Tai was in awe when she walked through the house. It was huge, grand and she could hear a lot of people.

"Have you found her?" Tai heard Indianna ask.

"You're more important than the girl," Kimberly snapped.

"Kimberly means to say: no we haven't, you're both equally important, but you're higher on the priority list right now," Kal corrected. "Didn't you, Miss I Don't Care About Anyone Apart From Me Indianna and Kal?"

"Who said I cared about you?" Kimberly said harshly but Kal didn't seem offended at all, he chuckled and smirked to himself knowingly.

"She cares," he sung.

"Now is not the time for you to be yourself," Kimberly huffed and soon they were walking into a medical like room where an older man was waiting.

"Get her on the bed," he instructed. "And leave."


"Doc's right, Kim," Kal said, placing his hand on Kimberly's arm. "She needs to get checked out in peace. We'll be outside, Indie."

"Thank you," Indianna nodded and glanced at Tai and smiled gratefully.

"Lets go," Kal said and walked out with the two girls.

"What are you still doing here?" Kimberly asked Tai.

"You could be a little nicer considering I just drove her here after some really weird shit just happened!" Tai snapped.

"We're grateful," Kal said. "Well... I am. And what do you mean by weird shit? Be specific because a lot of weird shit happens in this town."

"For some reason I'm not surprised," Tai muttered. "Firstly, Indianna and Ace were fighting these two guys, not very well may I add, and then a fucking wolf appeared and scared the guys away."

Kal and Kimberly shared a look. "A wolf? Are you sure you're not getting confused with a large dog?" Kimberly said with a small smirk.

"Oh cut the fucking attitude," Tai growled.

"We do get lots of large... dogs around here," Kal said unconvincingly. "They've taken over."

"Yeah this town is full of bitches," Kimberly said and inspected her nails.

"That's it," Tai snapped and took a step forward but Kal jumped in front.

"Please don't hit her. She's annoying but I happen to be stuck with her and I really don't want her to get hurt," Kal said.

"She should've watched what she said then," Tai glared and moved forward but Kal copied her every step.

"It's a work in progress," Kal shrugged. "Once you get to know her it's not all bitchyness... Right, Kim?"

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