88. Little Lies

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March 8th 2017, London

"I must admit, this satin dress looks incredible on you," Grant smiled at me as he took a seat next to me, "I totally see why he laid his eyes on you that night,"

"You didn't see it before?" I teased, "I'm hurt, Grant" I joked as we both burst out laughing. Having to work with someone that much and doing certain things, such as kissing and touching, could have been very awkward if we weren't comfortable with each other but, luckily, in the past few days, Grant and I had become friends and things weren't weird between us. 

"I remember this dress!" Pat said as soon as he entered the room, "the beginning of everything!" he sighed. I was, indeed, wearing the satin dress I had worn at the first Syco party I had attended, the one where Harry and I had first met. Looking in the mirror, I could still see that naive girl entering that big venue and fangirling over the many celebrities around her. It had been three years but, still, I could feel the rush I had felt when I noticed everybody's eyes were on me. I could still feel the same excitement I felt the moment I realized that all the hard work was finally paying off. How much I had changed, how much I had grown up, how many things I had gone through that no one even knew. It was crazy. Life as a 'famous' singer wasn't exactly what I expected it to be, it was more difficult than I thought, but I certainly wouldn't have traded it for anything else. 

"Lou, you've done an incredible job at recreating the same look you did that night," I told her, 

"Let's say it was a pretty unforgettable night," she giggled, "back in the day, I heard a certain someone speak about it - about you looking like this - quite a lot," she admitted, making me unconsciously blush and smile at the same time. Truth to be told, I didn't really know Harry's side of the story from that night. All I knew was that I still felt embarrassed about what had happened in his room so I had never had the guts to bring that up again. 

"Alright, are you ready?" Pat asked me and I nodded, "let's go over the video while we walk?"

"I walk in, I mingle with people, and while I'm laughing with a friend I spot this boy," I said, "the camera records Grant, having a drink and chatting to his friend, we stare at each other for a while,"

"Then I go talk to her, we chat, we dance... and we leave together," Grant finished.

As we were recording the scenes for the music video, I felt kind of emotional. Re-living my first meeting with Harry was weird, eye-opening. In fact, I realized how having Harry by my side had helped me through the first difficulties I had lived in my career: my first approach to the hate, the first choices I had had to make, my first performance, my affirmation. He was, after all, my person and, even if back then I didn't know it yet, he had been ever since the beginning.  

"You had me at hello, hello, hello... It was many years ago, baby when you stole my cool... cause you had me at hello" I sang, as I stared at Grant in the eyes while he was caressing my cheek, 

"Harry Styles?" Grant squealed in my ear and I immediately turned to him with a confused face,

"Cut!" the director yelled, "what happened there?" he asked us,

"You didn't tell me I was impersonating him!" Grant said, pointing at someone. I turned around and saw Harry in front of me, looking fine as usual, with a smirk on his face. I immediately stood up and walked to him, 

"Harold!" I said as I wrapped my arms around his neck and pecked him on the lips, 

"Well, you had me at hello too, my love" he put his arms around my waist and kissed me again, "I kind of had a heart attack when I saw you in this dress, you know" he giggled as he ran his hands along my silhouette, 

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