Chapter 21- "Hungry, tired, and utterly hopeless"

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When my eyes fluttered open, I caught a blurry glimpse of Alex hovering over me with a concerned look on his sleepy face. His bedhead hair was sticking up all over the place and I tried not to smile. Suddenly, he perched to the edge of the bed, groaning. I sat up instantly, reaching for my glasses while last night's events came crashing down on me.

"Fuck. I don't think I can remember the last time that I was this hungover," Alex sighed, his eyes closed. I didn't say anything as I found a Tylenol pill and a half drunken water bottle in my bedside drawer. I tossed it to him, and he let out a sound that probably meant "Thank you".

I watched him drain the water bottle in a matter of seconds, and I especially watched the drop of water that trickled down his defined jawline.

I caught myself before he saw me and turned my head away. I was beginning to notice the small things. It was just like Dominic all over again; Except this time, I wouldn't let myself get hurt. I was smarter than that.

I realized I was on my bed and then almost died right there. That meant that somewhere in the night, Alex had lifted me onto it. Even while hungover, the guy was responsible.

A few seconds of silence hung around in the air before he spoke.

"How drunk was I last night?" He asked the question as if he were dreading the answer.

"Wasted," I murmured, trying to keep my voice as steady and normal as possible.

"Sorry you had to pick me up in the middle of the night," He mumbled. It struck me that he was embarrassed, but tha meant that he remembered what happened last night. Right?

"D-Did I do anything stupid last night?" He piped up.

I blinked, my heart rate accelerating.

"Wait, so you don't remember?"

"Sorry Dest, my head is killing me and everything is kind of a blur."

Except for the fact that you practically made me want to kiss you, nothing happened. Nothing at all, Alexander North, I thought bitterly.

I was contemplating if I should tell him the truth. If he really didn't remember last night's events, that meant he was too drunk-- Too drunk to say anything he actually meant. But what if I told him? That would make things awkward. I didn't even understand what I was to him and I didn't want to ruin this valuable  friendship just by saying one sentence about yesterday.

"Stop overthinking whatever you're thinking, Dest. Tell me the truth, did I actually do some dumb shit last night?" He repeated.

He was right, I was overthinking. Just like I had with Dom, and I'd ended up screwing everything up.

"Nah, you were kind of loopy, but just fell asleep on my bed when we got home," I lied, clutching my blanket in my hand so hard.

He let out a sigh of relief which felt like a knife puncturing through my heart.

"So uh why were you on the ground when I woke up this morning?" He furrowed his brows at me, and I sheepishly stared back at the oblivious emerald eyes that had been so dangerous last night.

"Oh um, this is kind of embarrassing but I was on my period and the cramps were really bad. So I just uh sprawled on the floor because that was the only comfortable position. . .?" I explained, feeling like an idiot.

"Dest! You should've told me. Do you want me to uh go out and get some like pads or tam-"

"Alex, just shut up,"  I quickly hissed. "It's okay, I'm fine. Just go and eat something, I'm er going back to sleep."

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