Is it that bad that he is my step-brother [ 17 ]

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"Andrew, shut up!" I called towards at my new friend in AP English.

"No, I will not. You slept with your step-brother. Tell me all the dirty goss! Wait how big is he?" Andrew said.

"Ew, your disgusting." I say, Andrew is a total grot but I love him.

"You cannot tell anyone about this okay?" I say, he nodded in agreement. "Thank you."

"Your welcome." Andrew said, "How was it though?"

"Amazing, I think I love him." I say.

"No honey, that is just the sex drive talking. You love his sex, you need to have and ice bath to be back on full Alexus mode!" Andrew said.


I slowly lowered myself  into a ice bath, it was so cold!! Why would i EVEN do this?!

Uh hello Alexus? Andrew got in your head, he should never replace me...NEVER!

Of course Andrew got in my head, that's what he always does.

Its been 2 days and me and Him havent talked about what happened, actually we havnt even talked once.

I need to talk to him.

Speaking of the devil himself, there he was; walking down the stairs shirtless. His toned ripped abs that i could stare at all day were making me drool.

Shit. He caught me. His lips curled up to a smirk and he winked at me.

I looked down at my outfut and noticed i was in a pair of booty shirts and a midrift pj top that said "Sassy af" on it.

Colton waltzed into the kitchen and i followed.

"Pass the milk?" I blurted out as Colton opened the fridge up.

Pass the milk? What the heck? Why do i need milk?? Im so stupud amd a chicken.

Colton passed me the milk and then i handed it back to him straight away, he gave me a confused look.

"Your so wierd." He stated, least he talked to me.

"Well wierd is better then being normal, because i stand out." I said.

"Yeah you defiantly stand out, in the insane area." He said with a laugh.

I hit yis arm llayfully and laughed. I missed this, this is ehar i missed.

I smile formed on my face, i couldn't take it anymore and I'm guessing neither could he as i watched him bite his bottom lip.

I placed my hands on his face and kissed him roughly, but he didnt kiss back.

I pulled off and looked at him confused.

"We cant keep doing this, your my step-sister." Colton pourrd out.

"And you my step-brother." I say.

"Exactly, we need to stop."

"But it didnt stop us before, i mean 2 days ago we weren't thinking about that alls we were thinking about was how much we liked each other." I stated.

"That was a mistake." He said with a blank exlression.


I turned on my heels amd raced for my room upstairs. What a jerk!

I plummeted to my pillow and sighed.

"Hey babe." A voice said, i let out a massive scream with fright.

I turned around and saw Grant standing at my closet door in only his underwear, ew, what the actualy fu-

Before i could finish i was interupted.

"What happened?" A concerned Colton raced into my room. He cares.

Colton then saw Grant and then me on my bed.

"You whore." Colton said and left.

He called me a whore.


"I wouldnt kick me out that fast, I mean, if you want me to keep your little secret." He flashed a evil grin.

"What secret?"

"How you let your step-brother penetrate you."

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