April Fools Day Prank gone wrong

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I watched from the 4th story of a abandoned building with my sister Haley. It was April fools day and we were trying to avoid everyone. For whatever reason, guys thought that it was perfectly okay on April firsts to try and sexually attack girls. We had that happen once and stayed away ever since. "Didn't the weird people say there was gonna be a major prank today?" Haley asked me without looking away from the view outside of our window. I kinda nodded and said "Yeah. Do you think they'll actually do it?" Haley shrugged her shoulders and we continued watching the people in the road in comfortable silence. Haley glanced at something down the road so I looked too. 'Look.' Haley said using what we liked to call 'twin speak'. It was like we could talk telepathically. There was one of our homeless friends-but he was scaring weird. At least, weirder than normal. We watched as he ambled down the road, looking like he was psychotic drunk. I saw his red eyes and shrieked. "HALEY! John has Red Eyes! He had blue eyes! What happened to him!" Haley had wide eyes and I looked to see what else was freaking her out. I saw and stopped. John was biting someone. I saw the guy he bit scream and fall into seizures. He rose up with red eyes instead of brown. We watched in horror as they went and bit more and more people. They couldn't get away fast enough. We watched people start acting like zombies. We freaked out and didn't hear a slow moan from the stairs. By the time we heard it, it was too late. It bit me first. I felt teeth on my arm and I screamed in pain. I turned around and stabbed its head with a knife I had on my belt. It fell of and I stopped short in shock. It was Ella from the hospital down the road. She must've been walking through and gotten bit. I saw the bite mark on her arm. I started freaking out then realized. Where was Haley? I screamed out "HALEY WHERE ARE YOU?" I heard crying from the stairway and what I saw when I got there made me see red. I saw a guy dragging her down stairs, and zombies coming up. He intended to use her to get away... well he won't be staying alive for much longer... if the zombies don't kill him I will. But I will make him suffer. I didn't know if that was me or my alter talking, but I didn't care. For once we were in total agreement. Kill this man and save Haley. I ran and jumped on his shoulders before I pushed him down the stairs into the zombies. I heard his screams, but another scream I knew sounded and all I heard was the blood pounding in my ears. Haley'a arm had been bitten by a zombie... I let my alter free. I let her take over, but I knew she would protect Haley. I went to the back of my mind and watched as she took out everything in the room, then knelt by Haley. She picked her up and went on the roof. Then I blacked out.

Hey guys! So this is a first try for a zombie apocalypse book! Tell me if you like it, and go visit CrystalScherer 's zombie books if you want more info of what else is happening in this world.

If you don't get what Paige has, she has Multiple personality disorder.

Anyways guys, thanks for reading, and CYA PEOPLES HAVE AN AMAZING DAY

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