Chapter 22

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Serena's POV:

The day went by fairly slowly. Darien got more irritated with each new arrival and he made sure that I remained close to him at all times. He even leaned against the doorframe of the bathroom door when I had to go in there.

He was starting to come across as more than just a bit paranoid, although I knew he didn't really trust any of the Tarulk who were arriving. Most of them had retreated upstairs due to Darien's unrelenting glares, although a handful hung out in the kitchen.

They would be gone this evening and our flight was in three days, so I just had to be patient. Nick would be remaining here since he kept this large house as a kind of travel stop or rest place for Tarulk. Alex would be leaving with the others since his siblings were still back on his planet.

Alex was the only one Darien didn't seem concerned about. I wasn't entirely sure why, but Darien trusted him around me. Alex understood the soulbond the best and accepted me simply because I was Darien's soulmate. It did give me someone else to talk with and he had quite a few funny stories.

The doorbell rang and Nick went to answer it. I couldn't hear what was said, but Darien swiftly rose to his feet with me in his arms. Wind blew past me with his speed for a second before he put me on the floor behind the couch. He leaned down to whisper, "It's the police. Stay down."

I remained sitting on the floor where I was out of sight of anyone at the door. Alex appeared in my sight as he took a seat in the chair beside me. I knew Darien had asked him to guard me. Nick called, "Hey Darien, the door is for you."

"Who is it?" Darien played along like the perfect actor. Nick didn't answer him and I heard the door creak open further, allowing whoever was there a clear view of the room. They would be able to see the living room with a few Tarulk present, but I was hidden from their sight.

"Is something wrong, officer?"

"We need you to come down to the station with us as we verify your identity. It should only take an hour of your time."

"This is rather sudden. Can I ask why?"

"You have probably noticed the similarities between yourself and a high profile kidnapper on the news. We need to ensure that you are not him."

I was surprised that they were here. There was no way that the paramedic could have known where we were going since we were on foot when we left the immediate vicinity. How they had found us was a mystery unless someone else had seen Darien leave this house when he had been coming for me. That explanation seemed far more likely.

"I did notice, sir, but I assure you, I have never kidnapped anyone." Well, he was honest. I had gone with him willingly. Despite the situation, a thread of amusement appeared through my worry.

"That is what we need to verify. It will only take an hour and we will provide a document to prevent any other officers from apprehending you if someone else stops you. If you don't come willingly, we have a warrant for your arrest, and will also do a background check on everyone we find in the house and on the premises."

If they searched the house, they would find me. I had no good alibi as to why I was hiding behind a couch either. I knew Darien didn't want to leave me, but he wanted me in the hands of the police even less.

He sighed gustily and I knew he was irritated, "As you can see, I have company. Are you sure this is only going to take an hour?"

"Yes, sir. We will make it our top priority."

"Very well. But I will get my friend here to drive me. I do not want to sully my reputation if someone takes a picture of me in the back of a police car when I have done nothing wrong. Which station are we going to?"

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