Chapter Seven

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Locking eyes with the figure Raven screamed and dropped her wine, shattering the glass on the floor. Upon hearing this Erik came running in with a lit candle, illuminating the room. Raven looked again at the figure and realized....

She looks just like the statue...

As Erik started lighting the other candles Raven became flustered. "I'm so sorry- I'm afraid the dark doesn't exactly- Ow!"

Bending down to pick up the shards Raven had cut her finger. A small trickle of blood went down her finger. As she stood up the other figure in the room was right there grasping her wrist.

Feeling startled Raven tried to pull away but her grip was iron tight.

"Here, allow me." the woman said softly, pulling a small tissue from somewhere.

As she gently held it to the cut Raven glanced up at her. The room was finally lit enough to see her full face. What a face she beheld. She had long red hair that was pulled back with gorgeous hair clips, framing her face in a crown like way. Her dress was fully black and very form fitting, long lace sleeves formed around her slender arms and the neckline was lower than Raven was used to. Being so close to her made Raven shiver.

"Are you cold dear?" The woman asked, her voice like velvet across Raven's soul.

Speechless, Raven shook her head and looked down, not able to look into her eyes any longer. Chuckling the woman guided her over towards the couch and sat them both down.

"The cut isn't too deep, just be sure to keep it clean and it should heal very quickly."

Raven nodded her head. "Um, th-thank you, erm..."

"Nyx, my name is Nyx, Nyx Amara, I'm the master of this place."

She's the master?

She's the one who wanted me here?

Raven wasn't sure what to make of the woman in front of her. Nyx released her hand and Raven felt cold without the woman's touch. She cradled her hand against her chest.

"Miss Amara..."

"Please, Nyx is fine, this is your home now, there is no need for such formalities." Nyx smiled sweetly at Raven, making her heart flutter in her chest.

"Thank you... Nyx."

Then, Erik came back into the room,

"Miss Raven's room is ready m'lady."

"Oh wonderful!" Nyx exclaimed.

"I was hoping to have it finished before you arrived but some important matters came up." Smiling again Nyx stood and held out her hand,

"This way dear."

Raven accepted her hand and rose from the couch. Nyx continued to hold her hand and then linked her arm through Ravens.

"I do hope you like it."

Blushing, Raven walked with Nyx down a long hall. The walls were covered in artwork and portraits of beautiful women. One portrait caught Raven's eye and made her stop. Nyx smiled and spoke,

"This is my mother, I was named after her, isn't she beautiful?"

All Raven could do was nod her head, she looked just like her daughter but with hair as dark as the midnight sky and eyes as blue as the ocean. She was in an incredible gown that looked as if it were made from gold. The same as her daughters in style, just more bright and glowing.

I bet she gets her hair and eyes from her father

Raven turned to gaze at Nyx, she was looking up at her mothers picture with pride and love. She then turned and began to pull Raven towards a doorway.

"Your room is here, you must be exhausted after such a long day."

They came to a door and Nyx pushed it open. Raven gasped as she took in the room. Much larger than her room back home this room felt like a fairytale. To the left sat a fireplace made of deep red brick, a long half circle couch wrapped around the fireplace, a place she knew she would lay about reading often. On the right was her bed which was covered in black and purple silk and a dozen pillows. Four posts and a canopy lined the bed. And just to the right of the bed sat the bathroom, Raven gazed inside to see steps leading down to a bath, one that was bigger than any she had ever seen. Four or five could easily fit inside.

"Is something wrong? I could fix anything if it's not to your liking" Nyx spoke from behind Raven, making her jump a little.

"Oh no! It's wonderful, very beautiful thank you." Nyx smiled as she turned to leave.

"Well then, it's late and you should rest, pleasant dreams sweet Raven." she glided out the door and closed it softly.

Raven released a breath she hadn't realized she'd been holding. Looking around she saw her belongings were already here, too tired to fully unpack she found her evening gown and undressed. Slipping into her new bed she felt content.

Everything will be okay

I think I will like it here

Closing her eyes she drifted to sleep thinking of the new adventure she would have with the beautiful woman with red eyes.

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