Chapter 27

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A/N: How fast will things move between them? Enjoy Chapter 27!


'Alright, spill,' he urged as he faced her. 'You've got something you want to say.'

'Is it about me hitting him?' he tried when she remained silent with her gaze on her fingers. 'I think I was justified. Alright, maybe I didn't have to hit him but he shouldn't have said that. Not about you.'

'I think we're moving too fast,' she blurted.

He stopped short, his brow crinkling.


'You kissed me in public,' she grumbled, her jaw tight.

'Oh, so this is about the things we've done but can't do?' he questioned.

'We can't kiss in public!' she cried out as she grabbed at her cheeks. 'There were so many people!'

'Does that mean we can kiss right here? Right now?'

She let out a frustrated half-yell as she threw her hands up. They had kissed! In public! In front of Juan Gonzales! They couldn't kiss in public!

'That's not what I wanted to say!' she exclaimed in a distraught tone.

Maybe she would beat him at this. Show him what she meant. Make him squirm, she thought with a quirk of her lips.


'Leon? Your wife's here,' Val announced with a smile as he popped his head into his office.

He raised his head from the document he was working on with a bemused expression across his features. From where he sat, he could hear a muffled singsong voice in conversation with a baritone one. It was followed by a bout of girlish laughter.

'Ask her to come in,' he said immediately. What was she doing here though? She hadn't told him a thing about dropping by today.

'Good afternoon!' she called out as she swept into the room with a paper bag in one hand and her handbag in the other. She had on a navy dress with a white peter pan collar around her neck, and her long hair hanging over her shoulders in soft waves.

A smile automatically spread across his face.

It was a good afternoon indeed.

'Are you surprised?' she went on with a wide grin.

'Yes. But what are you doing here?'

'To have lunch with you, of course.' She set her bags on his desk and started removing two packages wrapped in brown paper, followed by two tumblers. 'It's just sandwiches, soup and coffee. I made everything. I'm doing my 'wife duties' well, aren't I?'

A slight smile crossed his features. Her grin still remained bright on her face.

'You're not drunk are you?' he asked, remembering the unfortunate occasion of their wedding night.

'Silly,' she teased. 'It's only one. Why would anyone be drunk?'

Then she scooted over to him, edged an arm aside, and settled herself onto his lap. He froze in surprise. He knew she could be forward in her own innocent way but this was too much, wasn't it?

There had to be something.

She turned her face to his, her eyes glinting mischievously back at him.

'I'm hungry,' she told him.

'You know, there are three other chairs in here,' he said.

'Your lap's more comfortable,' was her reply as she turned back to unwrap a sandwich.

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