The lost city of giants

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Right, we all believe that there are tall human beings on this planet. Some of them don't live for a very long time but they exist.

Well to us they are 'giants' but have you ever thought about real Giants?

Maybe they're nothing like animation movies but real humans, just way tooooo tall and way toooo big.
We'd be the size of an ant in front of them.
However, there is such a place toooooo big and toooo high for us normal sized people.

Deep in the Ecuadorian jungle, a lost city was discovered in 2012. However, it certainly wasn’t any normal ancient city. It is known as the “Lost City of Giants.”

A group of explorers were accompanied by a number of natives, who were familiar with the area and strongly believed that the city existed.
According to reports, upon arrival, the explorers found a set of massive structures, the largest being a 79-meter-tall by 79-meter-wide (260 ft x 260 ft) pyramid of unusual shape.

At the top of the pyramid is a flat, polished stone, believed to have been a sacrificial altar.
The magnitude of these buildings is what gives the city its name and leads many archaeologists to believe that the city was indeed built and inhabited by giants, although many others are skeptical on that point.

Special Information:
What makes this discovery even more peculiar is not just the buildings themselves but also the tools and artifacts found there.

Many oversized, manufactured tools were said to have been discovered, allegedly so big that it would be impossible for humans to use them.

The team that discovered the city believes that the tools are a crucial piece of evidence that in the distant past, giants once walked the Earth.

My conclusion:
Well as far as I know, I find giants fascinating be them in animation or Movies, even stories.
When you were a kid, I'm pretty sure your mom/dad or even grandparents told you a story Jack and the beanstalk.

Believe me, I have no idea who cooked it up but that was one of my favourite stories, later on an advanced story of the old tale was formed. So many movies were made, based on either the old tale or the modern twist.

You never know, maybe Jack was REAL!
Maybe giants were REAL!
But maybe their story was a little different.
Well I don't know much about it but all I can say is that 'Jack only knows the truth'...

Have your say freely, everyone's thoughts and theories are welcomed.

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