Chapter Three

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I was quiet in Biology today. The events of Friday night ran through my mind and I can't remember the last time I got so angry at anyone. I treated the scratches I had on my knuckles and wrapped my wrist with bandages. Everyone that asked what happened, I shot them a murderous glare and they backed off. 

I was pissed as fuck. 

The bell rang and I walked out alone and went to my locker to pack away my books. I stood there for a while and processed everything. Why was my brother so difficult? I get that he's pissed about my mom moving on but geesh, grow a pair will you? 

My silence was broken when my friends came. "Hey." 


There was silence for a while and then Phoebe jumped up. "We found you a date." 

My head snapped towards them. "What part of I'm not going don't you understand?" I slammed my locker shut. 

"Look, you need to go and you need to snap out of this bitchy mood you have lately." 

I was taken aback. "Well." I walked away. 

"What are you afraid of?" Phoebe shouted after me. 

I stopped and turned around. "I have a boyfriend. You don't need to get me a date. I'm not going because he's not going. Simple." 

"Who's your boyfriend?" she asked; shock evident. 

"You don't know him. He's in college." 

They all exchanged looks and grinned. "You sneaky bitch. You've been getting some college dick and didn't even tell us? Where did you meet him?"

"I'm still a virgin. I haven't technically met him yet. We started talking on Facebook and we Skype all the time." 

Their faces changed from excited to pitiful. "Is he real, Kate?" 

"Of course he's real!" My face flushed. 

"We need to get you a date badly." Patricia said while she took out a small comb and ran it through her dark hair. 

"He's real." I re assured them. "I plan to meet him after I leave High School. I applied for his college!" 

"Oh my God, road trip!" Jill exclaimed. 

"No, no road trip." I cut them off instantly and they pouted. 

"Fine but still come to Prom with us. Please?" Jill's brown eyes pleaded and I surrendered. They all jumped in joy and suddenly stopped. "You need a dress." 

"Oh, no. I'll find one when I'm ready." 

"By the time you'll be ready, there'll be none left!" Patricia's face feigned horror. 

"I'll find one." I repeated. "Soon, but for now I gotta go." 

They nodded and I walked off to my next class which was Art. I rounded the corner and saw my brother and Brandon talking. I quickly drew back and hid. I heard them talking about random things and then I heard my name.

"Hey, you cool if I try something with your sister?"

"Nah, I don't care."


"I might need to up my game though, she doesn't seem like a virgin."

My brother burst out laughing. "Kate? I doubt she ever kissed anyone before."

"Really?" Brandon asked and I could tell he made his mind up.

"Hey, Brandon. Call me later." I heard some girl say to him seductively and I took that as my cue to leave.

How dare my brother sell me out like that? I have too kissed someone! I couldn't believe what I was hearing. I hurried and went to Art class where I could lose myself in work and clear my head.

I had taken pictures at the beach over the weekend and I got an amazing one of a wave crashing into a couple kissing on the sand. Their faces were filled with laughter and just by looking at the picture it made you want to smile. I began to work on blowing them up and my teacher came to look at my new piece.

He patted my on my back and smiled. I grinned and continued my work.

Later I sat in the cafeteria with my friends. I had an apple in my hand and I just stared at it; my mind kept going back to my brother and Brandon. Assholes! 

Phoebe sat there looking in a small hand mirror as she fixed her unruly blonde curly hair. She inserted a few hair pins until it finally behaved and stayed put.

"So, I pulled a few strings and I can definitely get us a limo and a hotel suite." Patricia said excitedly.

"Your dad?" I asked.

"Yup! And I know exactly who I want to go with." She stared across the room at this guy reading his physics text book.

"You want a nerd?" Phoebe flat out asked her.

"What's so wrong? He's cute." Patricia shrugged. I laughed at them both and turned my attention to Jill who was quiet. 

"Who's your date?"

"I don't have one yet. I mean I've been asked by a few but I haven't answered any."  She shrugged. 

I nodded and left the conversation there. There was something going on with Jill but I guess she isn't ready to share and I wont push it. 

"Kate, if you're going then who's your date?" Jill looked at me. 

"I guess I just won't take one." 

"You have to. You don't want to be a third wheel, trust me." She spoke as if from experience.

I laughed and then nodded. "One will turn up." 

"What about your college boyfriend? Ask him to come." Phoebe suddenly joined our conversation. 

"He's like seven hours away. He can't make that drive, I mean where would he stay? Not at my house for sure." I said quickly; feeling my face heat up. 

All three smirked at me then looked at each other. "Why, Kate? Are you expecting something?" 

"No!" I flustered. 

"Do you at least plan on doing it anytime this century?" Patricia said sarcastically. 

"Peer pressure much?" I stated and they all laughed. "And yes I plan to. I just need time. Plus I got into his college! So its definitely gonna happen then." 

They shrugged and I got up from the table irritated. As I rose I accidentally knocked over someone's tray and spilled juice on the floor. Shock filled my face and I looked to see who it was. It was Samantha Scott; part of the 'make Kate's life hell' welcome party along with Brandon. I laughed at the luck that was suddenly placed upon me. 

"I'm sorry, Samantha." I said and picked up her tray. 

"Nice one, dick breath." She scowled. 

My blood boiled and I imagined choking the bitch but I let it slide. 

"Hey, horse face. Shoo." Patricia fanned her off.

"Aww, mommy to the rescue?" Samantha put her hand on her heart. "How sweet." 

"Yeah, she's gonna rescue you from the emergency room." I scowled. 

"Lame." she formed her index finger and thumb in an 'L' shape on her forehead. 

"Yeah, like your outfit horsey." Phoebe rolled her eyes. 

"Yeah, well-" 

"Leave, Sam." I heard a voice say behind me. 

She scowled and walked off. I turned and saw Brandon towering over me. 

"You should say thanks now." He smirked. "Better yet, say thanks with a movie date. Tomorrow at nine? Cool." 

I scoffed and left; feeling his eyes watch me walk away.

Thank you so much for reading !! 

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