Chapter Five

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-------two days later------

"Mr. Jackson, can you please answer the question?" Sam asks, and Jesse turns to Dean.

'Jefferson was against slavery even though he himself had slaves.' He signed and like always, Dean repeats what he signed.

"Good jo-" Sam was interrupted by a knock at the door.

The secretary, Ms. Ross, a pretty red head, opens the door.

"So sorry to interrupt Mr. Winchester, but you have some new students." She politely says before opening the door to let in a bunch of teens.

A blonde haired girl was first, followed by a Cherokee girl, a blond haired boy, a black haired boy, a black haired girl, another blond boy, a Latino boy, an African American girl, and a Chinese boy.

Jesse's heart stopped for a second.

"Well, will you please introduce yourselves?" His homeroom teacher politely asks.

"I'm Annabeth Chase."

"I'm Piper McLean."

"I'm Jason Grace."

"I'm Nico DiAngelo."

"I'm Thalia, just Thalia."

"I'm Will Solace."

"I am Leo 'McSizzle' Valdez!"

"I'm Hazel Levesque."

"And I'm Frank Zang."

"Well it's nice to meet you all, why don't you all find seats." Sam explains and they all just nod. 'Please don't sit near me.'  Jesse prays and just what do ya know, Annabitch decided to plop her ass down next to him with Thalia in tow. 

Thalia was about to sit on Jesse's other side when Dean quickly pulls out the chair and sits down. Thalia glares at him before moving to Annabeth's other side.

"Hi, I'm Annabeth, and you are?"


"Hi, I'm Annabeth, and you are?" She introduces herself to the black haired boy next to him. There was a man besides him so Annabeth guessed he needed help in someway.

When the boy didn't reply Annabeth got a little angry.

"Um, hi?" She states again and this time when he didn't pay attention, she starts to tap him repeatedly on the shoulder. Then he turns to face her, moving his hands in fast motions and glaring at her.

"He said 'What. What do you want.'" The man translates and that's when Annabeth realizes that everyone was staring at the three.

"Um, I wanted to know what your name is?" She says slightly unsure of herself now. He moves his hands quickly again.

"He said 'Percy Jackson.'" The man says again and her eyes dart to the boy's face, taking in all the details, before asking herself 'Why didn't I recognize him?'. Well that was an easy answer.

His hair was longer, the top flopped just below his eyebrows, his skin was surprisingly pale, he was wearing all black, black jeans, black sweatshirt, possibly a black shirt, black socks, and black shoes. 

But his eyes were frightening. They held no joy, no life, no love, no mirth. They were dark, a poisonous green color that looks as if it could kill you in an instant, hopeless, cold, cruel, deadly, but non of that scared her as much as the last. They were patient, waiting for something, too calm.

"O-ok." She stutters before turning around and sparring a glance to Thalia, who was glancing at her as well.


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