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Everyone has there moments in life were they see the sad parts in life. Whether that's love, lose, or bad luck, come to think of it maybe its all those crammed into one big ball of utter despair. No one will know for sure, but the person(s) feeling like this. No one can say they aren't happy cause in the end everyone has there little dark world of sadness. This world we live in is a cruel dark pit that chews up the slightest sign of happiness and spits it out as another regret, mistake, or just utter hate. This is no plea for help or need to worry, this is a sign to all those who feel like they are at there end that there is hope. You are not alone you have others in need of helping just as much as you do. For if we stop helping each other, we become nothing but that sadness, darkness, and/ or hopeless. This is when I lose hope in humanity for if we choose to stand by and not help but merely watch, we become what we all want to stop( I know this sounds clique.) the darkness that becomes said sadness. Now curiosity might be poking you mind if not by all means stop reading this and go about your life the way you are till you reach that end we mentioned above, but if your interest is peaked than I implore you read on and let your mind run with endless scenarios, theories, hell if this inspires you to help relay the message that everyone is not alone than by all means do so. Now before we go on we I do ask who all read this that you leave comments to let me know what you honestly think. Give me topics to talk about, hold conversations with me, tell me your thoughts, help in anyway you think you can. This is a way to start helping better the world, the more we help and stand together the better this world will be. Sadness, happiness, hate, love, etc. this is what makes us better as people which in turn helps the world change for the better. Now let me hear what all of you think and want to know. YOU ARE NOT ALONE.
-Mr. J

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