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Love is a harsh thing in this world, but a beautiful thing in this world as well. Just depends on the time and people you talk to. They might have lose someone they loved, whether its a break up or death. This is a topic I can relate to as in I lose two people I loved very much, they put and took a lot of people out of my life. To this I am sad because I loved all these people and I wasn't strong enough to hold onto them. In the long run they dodged a bullet, I am not a good person, maybe this is why this happened to me but that is another topic for another day. Love causes pain, but a necessary pain that we as humans need in our life to learn from but this doesn't mean we need to give up. We may fall to our knees giving up but we not need to feel alone in this world because as the way you feel now is the way someone feels or have felt. Help is what makes us stronger, its not weakness but strength. One of many loves await, no one finds the perfect relationship the first time, but there are times where you go back to a previous relationship because you felt like it was you who mucked it all up, in this case you may have done nothing wrong but felt they deserved better than you. In the end you were doing great together, don't make the mistake of lying to yourself unless you truly know its for the better. This is why I lose the love of my life and our son. This tears a hole in my heart. As the song writer John Mayer sang; "When your dreaming with a broken heart, waking up is the hardest part, you roll outta bed, down on your knees, and for a moment you can hardly breathe..."-John Mayer(Dreaming with a broken heart.) You love, you lose, you regret, you miss , you want back, and hopefully you learn as is the rules of love. But some rules are meant to be broken, just don't break 'em and expect to be able to fix it later, this is where you learn rules are not meant to be broken. This here me writing don't get it twisted I'm not on any drugs, alcohol, etc.. this is me sitting in my room typing with a clear mind. I'm not doing this happy all this a simple way for me to my mind and thoughts to all who read this. Depression hits everyone in all ways I'm not lying to those who read this, I'm a 21 year old guy sitting here typing on this laptop listening to sad music sharing my thoughts and opinions. For those who read this I wish to stay anonymous and continue to talk to everyone I can, For those who scroll through this and just clip it without actually thinking about what they are reading I'm not mad but don't shy away from thinking about this later down the road. Back to the subject at hand, love can make or break a person. You are not weak, everyone falls down but its up to that person(s) to get help. Everyone needs help just as you say you may not you know deep down that you do. Lying to yourself to make yourself feel better doesn't hurt anyone more than you yourself. I wish I had help but than again I'm a person who has a hard time accepting help but love to try and help people out. DONT BE ME!!! Get help, because this will cause you to do stupid shit that may lead to hurting someone else or yourself and this world is already dark enough let us not add to the endless pit. This subject is hard to a lot of people will they admit it no, but I am cause it is hard on you, me , and everyone in your life. Be a leader not a follower do better to set an example to those you love, loved, or may love. This is not a goodbye but a sign off. To all those who want to listen and continue to listen thank you and please throw me topics and comments as well as conversations off the keyboard I'm here to talk and listen and try to help out all those who want it. Till next time this is Mr. J signing off.
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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2018 ⏰

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